Chinese merchants suffer a million-dollar robbery in the Meiggs neighborhood: they were attacked with bullets

by times news cr

2024-10-01 01:40:18

Seven assailants intercepted a truck with armored windows on the corner of Bascuñán Guerrero and Alameda.

During the morning of this Friday, September 27, a violent assault on Chinese businessmen, who were victims of a shooting attack in the Meiggs neighborhoodcommune of Estación Central, in the Metropolitan Region.

The incident occurred on the corner of BAscuñán Guerrero with Alameda. Preliminarily, it was reported that seven subjects aboard two vehicles iThey intercepted the Chinese merchant’s van with armored windows, which was reportedly hit three times by bullets.

After that, the antisocials carried out the robbery and fled the scene with around 100 million pesos in cash.

“The incident itself was that a Chinese citizen with three other companions were in a private vehicle. They were going to a bank in the central sector of the capital to deposit some cash.“, detailed Carabineros personnel at the scene.

To which the official added: “Right now we are seeing the exact amount of this money. Apparently it would be close to 100 million pesos, we are verifying that”.

According to what was explained by Carabineros, there were no injured people, but there were there is ballistic evidence.

At the scene of the incident, personnel from OS-9 and Labocar de Carabineros are working to gather more information.


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