Giuseppe Conte is ready to say goodbye to the M5s

by time news – Giuseppe Conte would be one step away from farewell to the M5s. It is learned in the five-star galaxy. Already since Thursday leader in pectore of the 5-star Movement he would decide to step back, but a painstaking mediation activity would have convinced him to desist.

The leaders of the Movement were reassembled, including the head of the Farnesina, Luigi Di Maio, aware that there would be no ‘plan B’ without Conte, after Beppe Grillo’s lunge in front of the parliamentarians.

Grillo left Rome and did not have a meeting with the lawyer. Meanwhile, silence on the chats of the elected M5S and there are those who speak of shock and waiting after Grillo’s intervention. In the meantime, it is learned, the pressure is growing against the former prime minister so that a new subject is born, but the road would be uphill due to the difficulties of organizing a new party on the eve of the administrative.


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