Geneva Issues Water Safety Alert: 40,000 Residents Affected by Contaminated Water Supply

by time news

PublishedSeptember 29, 2024, 11:32

Alert in GenevaUnpotable water: “No health impact for now”

Following a major pipe rupture located on the Quai Gustave-Ador, the water is unfit for consumption in Thônex, Vandoeuvres, Choulex, Corsier, Collonge-Bellerive, Hermance, Anières, Puplinge, and Cologny.


“An exceptional incident,” “never seen before”… This weekend, the Geneva Industrial Services (SIG) faced an unprecedented situation. In the night from Saturday to Sunday, a major drinking water pipeline located under the Quai Gustave-Ador, near Baby-Plage, broke.

40,000 people affected

“It caused a depression in the network and air was sucked in. External elements, such as bacteria, could have entered the drinking water pipes, posing a health risk,” indicated Frédéric Schulz, director of drinking water at SIG. As a result: tap water is unfit for consumption in nine municipalities on the Left Bank. The affected municipalities are Thônex, Vandoeuvres, Choulex, Corsier, Collonge-Bellerive, Hermance, Anières, Puplinge, and Cologny. 40,000 people are affected.

Bacteriological analyses underway

“We are in a state of suspicion,” specified cantonal chemist Patrick Edder. Bacteriological analyses are underway. We have to wait for the first results on Monday morning to find out whether the water is drinkable or not.” In case of contamination, it will take an additional three days to obtain the definitive results.

“There is no health impact for now”

Simon Regard, acting cantonal doctor

“There have been numerous calls to 144, but these are asymptomatic individuals seeking information. For now, there is no major impact on the health of residents. This is rather reassuring. If that had been the case, we would have received reports. However, no influx has been observed in the various emergency services,” indicated Nicolas de Saussure, spokesperson for the Geneva University Hospitals. He specified that “the four hospital facilities located in the affected municipalities, namely Bellerive, Curabilis, Trois-Chêne, and Belle-Idée, have sufficient mineral water for patients and staff.”

Simon Regard, acting cantonal doctor, confirmed “that there is no health impact for now, but an incubation period is possible.” He calls for solidarity among the population, particularly for vulnerable individuals such as the elderly. “Water is a vital resource. We must continue to hydrate with clean water!”

SIG organizing

By the lake on Sunday, technical teams were actively working on repairing the pipeline. “A large-scale project,” confided Véronique Tanerg, spokesperson for SIG. SIG has also organized to supply municipalities with drinking water via mobile tankers and “goats” (public tap points).

By around 7:30 PM, five water points were already available. Seven more will complement this system. “Residents must bring a container,” clarified the communicator.

Distribution of bottled water in EMS and daycare centers is also planned. These will open on Monday, along with the fifteen primary schools, two orientation cycles, and eleven specialized schools affected by this incident. “It is advisable for students to bring a large bottle of drinking water for the day,” warned SIG. However, a reserve of drinking water will be available at the schools. As for school restaurants, all measures have been taken to ensure meals. The same goes for extracurricular activities.

Finally, a hotline has been set up to answer specific questions at this number 0844 800 808.

Geneva Issues Water Safety Alert: 40,000 Residents Affected by Contaminated Water Supply

Plan of facilities for accessing drinking water


As a precaution, emergency measures must be taken. If the water appears abnormal or discolored, it should not be used at all (even boiled). If it is clear, it can only be used for showering and toileting (external use). However, it should not be drunk, given to animals, used to wash food, or for tooth brushing. If boiled, it can be consumed and used normally. “The drinking water fountains are also subject to these measures,” specified the cantonal chemist.

The health risks include vomiting, diarrhea, and gastrointestinal issues. If symptoms persist, it is recommended to consult a physician.

The pipe that deprived 40,000 people of drinking water in Geneva.

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