What is ataxia? | Greeting

by time news

2024-10-01 14:00:00

Them ataxia It is a muscle weakness that affects the coordination of muscle movements. This condition occurs when the parts of the brain responsible for controlling balance and coordination, such as cerebellumdo not work properly or damaged. As a result, people with ataxia experience problems as well balancethem coordinatehim difficult and, in some cases, they may have difficulty walking or doing everyday tasks that require fine movements, such as writing or buttoning a shirt.

Types of ataxia

There are several types of ataxia, which can be divided according to their cause:

  1. Agreed: This type occurs due to external factors such as head injuries, infections, vitamin B12 deficiency, or alcohol and drug abuse. It can also lead to neurodegenerative diseases, such as multiple sclerosis.
  2. heritage: This type is transmitted by genes. Some hereditary forms include Friedreich’s ataxiaA genetic disease that usually appears in childhood and affects both movement and other physical functions, and spinocerebellar ataxiaswhich usually appears in adulthood and progresses slowly.
  3. IdiopathicIn some cases, we cannot identify the cause of the disorder, and it is classified as idiopathic.

Symptoms of ataxia

Symptoms of ataxia vary depending on the type and severity. The most common include:

  • Coordination problems: Voluntary movements, such as walking or sitting, may be abnormal or irregular.
  • Earthquakes: People with ataxia may experience abnormal tremors when trying to make correct movements.
  • speech problems: Ataxia can affect the speech muscles, making speech slow and slurred.
  • Problems with balance: Patients may lose balance easily or walk unsteadily.


There is no cure for most types of ataxia, but the symptoms can be managed physiotherapy, occupational therapyand in other cases, drug to relieve specific symptoms. Rehabilitation can improve health and quality of life for affected people, although the method varies depending on the cause.

Ataxia is a complex disorder which affects the lives of those who suffer from it. Although treatment depends on the type and cause, supportive care can help improve patients’ quality of life and independence.

#ataxia #Greeting

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