"Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Expert Tips on Self-Exams and Important Questions Answered"

by time news


It is October 1st, which means that Breast Cancer Awareness Month has begun. We all know how important it is to check your breasts, but many of us certainly don’t do it often enough. To raise awareness among women about getting to know their own breasts, breast radiologist Odette Patho is joining in today.

Young women have quite a few questions about breast health and checking their breasts. What should we be worried about? And what is actually nothing to be concerned about? Odette answers the six most frequently asked questions.

Expert Odette Patho on checking your breasts and other matters

In some cases, you can detect breast cancer yourself. That’s why it’s important to know how your breasts normally look and feel: this way, you can more easily recognize when something changes. Normalizing conversations about breast health can significantly contribute to better awareness: what exactly should you be looking out for? Patho answers six questions that are on the minds of women.

1. What is the influence of hormones on your breasts?
“Hormones play a large role in how breasts feel during the menstrual cycle. Before ovulation, during the first half of the cycle, there is less tension in the breasts due to low estrogen levels. After ovulation, higher levels of estrogen and progesterone often lead to more swelling and sensitivity. If you plan on checking your breasts, it’s best to do this between days 7 and 12 of your cycle, as the breasts feel the most supple then, making it easier to notice changes.”

2. What should you look for during a breast check?
“During self-examination, it’s important to know what to look for and how to do it comfortably. The image below helps identify symptoms such as lumps, dimpling of the skin, or changes in the nipple. While self-examination is not a substitute for a medical examination, it can help you discover changes sooner. If you’re unsure, contact your doctor.”

pink-borstkanker-symptomen_1 Pink Ribbon

3. What are possible symptoms of breast cancer?
“Important signals of breast cancer include lumps in the breast or armpit, changes in the skin (such as dimpling), nipple inversion or bloody discharge, persistent pain, and swelling of the breast. It’s important to have these symptoms examined by a doctor, as early detection is essential for a more successful treatment.”

4. Is checking your breasts different during pregnancy?
“During pregnancy, breasts change significantly due to hormonal changes, including growth, sensitivity, darker nipples, and visible veins. While these changes are normal, if you notice hard lumps, extreme asymmetry, severe pain, retracted nipples, or bleeding, contact a doctor and have your breasts examined, preferably also through imaging.”

5. How do you check your breasts if you have breast implants?
“Self-examination with breast implants may feel different than with natural breasts. It’s important to know what feels normal so you can notice changes. Look for shifts in the implants, rippling, capsule formation, palpable edges, and changes in the breast tissue. Imaging studies such as 3D mammography, ultrasound, or MRI can also be safely performed with implants.”

6. What examinations are available for breast checks?
“There are various examinations for breasts, such as 3D mammography, which takes multiple X-rays from different angles and is especially useful for dense breast tissue. For women under 30, ultrasound is used, whereby sound waves help distinguish between lumps or cysts. An MRI scan creates detailed images using magnetic fields and is often employed when there is a high risk of breast cancer or unclear results. Almost always, contrast fluid is added to enhance visibility of abnormalities. These examinations are often combined to provide a complete picture of breast health. The choice depends on the symptoms and medical history.”


This is how you can support Pink Ribbon

Do you want to contribute to better research and treatments for people with breast cancer? Then take action for Pink Ribbon. There are many ways to do this.

You can make a donation or shop something on the Pink Ribbon site, but this month you can also contribute simply by buying butter. The pink tubs of Becel support research into breast cancer.

Breast Cancer Awareness

Emerging Trends in Breast Cancer Awareness and Early Detection

As October marks Breast Cancer Awareness Month, there is an increasing focus on educating women about the importance of breast self-examination and understanding the symptoms of breast cancer. This year, experts highlight several potential trends that could change the landscape of breast health awareness and detection in the coming years.

Increased Digital Engagement:
With the rise of social media, young women are now more empowered to share their health journeys, including their experiences with breast checks. Initiatives that encourage digital storytelling and peer-to-peer support could further normalize conversations surrounding breast health and lead to a more informed community.

Wearable Technology:
Emerging wearable technology might play a pivotal role in monitoring breast health. Devices that can track physical changes and alert users to anomalies could enhance self-examination efforts and lead to earlier consultations with healthcare providers.

Telehealth Integration:
As telehealth becomes more mainstream, virtual consultations for breast health can provide women with quick access to healthcare professionals. This may not only help women with immediate concerns but also encourage regular check-ups as part of their healthcare routine.

Focus on Personalized Health Education:
Breast cancer awareness campaigns are expected to shift towards personalized education, tailoring information to different demographics. This could include targeted resources that address specific concerns for various age groups and lifestyles, making education more relevant and impactful.

Increased Research Funding:
Following the initiatives around organizations like Pink Ribbon, we may see heightened investments in breast cancer research, paving the way for innovative treatments and early detection methods. This could ultimately enhance the survivability and quality of life for those diagnosed.

Community and Corporate Partnerships:
Efforts to unite communities and corporations in supporting breast cancer research are likely to grow. Collaborations can lead to larger fundraising campaigns and awareness programs that reach wider audiences, fostering a collective effort in the fight against breast cancer.

Support Breast Cancer Research

There are many ways you can contribute to breast cancer research and awareness efforts. Whether it’s through financial donations, participating in awareness events, or simply educating your network, every effort counts.

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