Toxic Hepatitis Treatment, Toxic Hepatitis: Your liver can be damaged by toxic hepatitis, know its symptoms and prevention measures – what is toxic hepatitis, symptoms and causes

by times news cr

2024-10-02 08:17:28
Liver is the largest and important organ of our body which helps in many functions of the body. In such a situation, to keep the liver healthy, we should take full care of our diet and lifestyle. Many liver related diseases can occur due to wrong eating habits and toxic hepatitis is one of those diseases.

Inflammation of the liver is called toxic hepatitis. This damages the liver and affects its functioning. There are many reasons for toxic hepatitis such as excessive alcohol consumption, exposure to any harmful chemical or excessive consumption of certain medicines.

In some cases, symptoms of toxic hepatitis develop hours or days after exposure to a toxin. On the other hand, sometimes in such a situation it takes several months for its symptoms to be detected. Let us tell you about the causes, symptoms and treatment of toxic hepatitis.

What is toxic hepatitis?
According to Mayo Clinic(Ref), the liver filters everything that enters our body. It cleans many types of chemicals from our blood. Toxic hepatitis occurs due to exposure to substances that damage the liver. Sometimes when the liver works to process blood, toxic substances are produced which causes swelling in the liver. Toxic hepatitis can be mild in some cases, while in some cases it can be very serious. Toxic hepatitis can cause permanent damage to the liver. In such a situation, there is a risk of cirrhosis or liver failure.

Symptoms of Toxic Hepatitis
In mild form of toxic hepatitis, no specific symptoms are visible. It can be detected only through blood test. The signs or symptoms of toxic hepatitis are as follows

  • Yellowing of skin and eyes (jaundice)
  • Itching
  • pain in the upper right part of the stomach
  • Tiredness
  • loss of appetite
  • nausea and vomiting
  • skin rash
  • Fever
  • weight phenomenon
  • thickening of urine
  • diarrhea
  • joint pain (which happens sometimes)

Causes of toxic hepatitis

  • Consumption of over the counter medicines: If you are taking medicines without doctor’s advice then it can also be harmful for your liver. Consuming many over the counter medicines can cause toxic hepatitis.
  • Industrial Chemical: Exposure to certain types of chemicals or solvents can also cause toxic hepatitis. If these chemicals enter the body through breathing or come in contact with the skin, then the problem of toxic hepatitis can occur.
  • Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy is done in case of cancer, in such a case it affects the liver. Medicines used in chemotherapy damage the liver which can cause toxic hepatitis.
  • Herbal supplements: Consumption of some herbal supplements like aloe vera, black cohosh, comfrey, ephedra, kava etc. can cause toxic hepatitis. If children accidentally take vitamin supplements or overdose, it can cause severe damage to their liver.
  • Alcohol: Consumption of alcohol also has a bad effect on the liver. Especially if drugs are being taken with alcohol, it can be extremely dangerous.

Risk Factors for Toxic Hepatitis
These are some of the factors that increase the risk of toxic hepatitis.

  • Liver Disease: If you already have any serious liver disease like cirrhosis or non-alcoholic fatty liver, then the chances of getting toxic hepatitis increases.
  • Hepatitis: Any chronic infection with hepatitis virus (hepatitis B, hepatitis C or any hepatitis virus if present in the body) can weaken the liver.
  • Age: As age increases, our liver works to break down harmful substances very slowly. In such a situation, these toxins remain in our body for a long time.
  • More danger in women: Women eliminate toxic substances very slowly compared to men, hence these harmful substances remain in their liver for a long time. Because of this, women are more likely to develop toxic hepatitis.
  • Consumption of alcohol: If you are consuming alcohol along with herbal supplements and medicines, then it can be very dangerous for you.
  • Genetic mutations: Some inherited genetic mutations affect the production and function of liver enzymes that break down toxins. In this way it increases the risk of toxic hepatitis.

Treatment of toxic hepatitis
In case of toxic hepatitis, doctors first diagnose it and then start treatment accordingly. Toxic hepatitis can be detected through a physical exam, blood tests, imaging tests, and liver biopsy.

  • Medicines: In severe form of toxic hepatitis, the patient vomits a lot. In such a situation, the patient is admitted to the hospital where the doctor gives him some special medicines through intravenous route so that he can get relief.
  • Liver Transplant: If the liver is completely damaged, the doctor may also advise the patient to undergo liver transplant.
  • Avoid chemical or drug exposure: If on examination it is revealed that you have toxic hepatitis due to chemical or drug exposure, then the doctor will advise you to stay away from it.

preventive measures

  • Do not consume alcohol: Consuming alcohol is very harmful for the liver. It gradually works to damage the liver. In such a situation, sometimes the damage becomes so much that it becomes difficult to treat it.
  • Take medicines as per the doctor’s advice: Often people take any medicine without consulting the doctor. In such a situation, it causes great harm to the liver. Before taking any particular medicine, you must talk to your health expert. Apart from this, consuming excessive pain killers can also be dangerous for the liver.
  • Stay away from drugs: To keep your liver healthy, you should avoid taking drugs along with alcohol. Taking drugs, especially with alcohol, can cause toxic hepatitis.
  • Industrial Chemical: If you work at a place where you are exposed to harmful chemicals, it can also damage your liver. In such a situation, you need to avoid this, even if you have to change your work.

Take care of liver like this

  • To keep your liver healthy, you should take special care of some things.
  • Include healthy things in your diet like fruits, green vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds etc.
  • Consume less fatty foods and eat only healthy fats.
  • Keep weight under control.
  • Avoid eating too much red meat.
  • Avoid things with high sugar or fructose.
  • Consume water in right quantity.
  • Avoid excessive alcohol and caffeine consumption.
  • Exercise in a regular room. This improves liver function.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.

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