Congress of the Union declares constitutional validity of the GN reform

by times news cr

By having the vote of 26 local Congresses, with the exception of those governed by the opposition, the Senate of the Republic declared approved the decree that allows the passage of the National Guard (GN) to the Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena) and the Armed Forces to be active in peacetime in tasks supporting public security.

The senators of the parties did not attend this Sunday’s session National Action (PAN), Institutional Revolutionary (PRI) and Citizen Movement (MC)under the argument that not “endorse” a reform that they assure, “militarizes the country.”

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The reform that modifies 12 constitutional articles states that “in time of peace, no military authority can exercise more functions.” than those provided for in this Constitution and the laws that emanate from it” and in article 89 numeral VII, establishes that the President may “dispose of the Army, the Navy and the Air Force, in tasks of support for public security.”

It also gives the National Guard the power to investigate crimes. “The investigation of crimes corresponds to the Public Ministryto the police and the National Guard, within the scope of their jurisdiction, which will act under the direction and command of the former in the exercise of this function,” the opinion states.

The reform prohibits the forced accommodation of members of the National Guard, along with the Army, Air Force and Navyin ordinary situations, which consolidates the democratic and civil character of the State and requires respect for human rights.

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“In ordinary situations, Citizens are not obliged to provide services or accept impositions of the Armed Forces, in defense of their human rights,” states the constitutional reform proposal.

He states that, “by prohibiting the forced accommodation of members of the National Guard, along with the Army, Air Force and Navy“In times of peace, the right of citizens to the inviolability of their home is protected, thereby ensuring that security operations respect human rights, regardless of the armed force involved.”


2024-10-02 10:52:33

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