Zlanski v. Bennett: “I did not feel he was wrapped in our flag”

by time news

In a speech marking a week since the Russian invasion began, the President of Ukraine referred to his talks with the Israeli Prime Minister, and attacked him: “We have good relations – but things are being examined” | He teased President Putin: “Talk to me again. But not from a distance of 30 meters as with Macron.”

The President of Ukraine, Vladimir Zlansky, today (Thursday) held a press conference for media people from around the world, in which he addressed the Russian invasion, conveyed a message to the world and attacked Prime Minister Bennett.

Zalanski attacked Prime Minister Bennett at a press conference just a week after the Russian invasion, after the two had made several phone calls in the past week.

“I saw a beautiful picture today, Jews wrapped in Ukrainian flags near the Western Wall in Jerusalem. They prayed and I thank them for that. I talked to the Israeli leadership, we have good relations – but things are being examined. I did not feel the Israeli prime minister wrapped in our flag,” he said. .

Photo: Flash 90

He then conveyed a world message, warning of the possibility that Russia would advance towards Central Europe: “If Ukraine falls, the next in line will be Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Moldova. Until they reach the Berlin Wall.”

“The Russian army is 10 times bigger than the Ukrainian army. They brought in mobile crematoria so as not to report casualties. If they told me to lay down their arms and move to the other side I would not agree. We are defending our homeland. We are a nation that broke enemy plans within a week. Ours, the Border Guard, the territorial defense, even ordinary farmers fight with the Russian army on a daily basis. And all the Russian soldiers say one thing: “They do not know why they are here.”

“They wanted to destroy us so many times. They could not. We went through so much, if anyone thinks that after overcoming all this, the Ukrainians will be scared, broken or surrendered – he knows nothing about Ukraine, and he has nothing to do in Ukraine,” he said. Zalansky said. “We have nothing to lose but our freedom.”

Snatched a bite from Mazlansky

“For us it is a patriotic war. We remember how patriotic wars begin. And we know how they end for the invaders. Many of these soldiers are recruits who have never been in combat before. Some of them we believe, did not even say they were going to be in combat,” he added.

Zalansky then teased Russian President Vladimir Putin and addressed him: “Do you want peace? Sit down and talk to me. But not from a distance of 30 meters as with Macron, I am your neighbor, I am a normal man.”

He concluded by saying, “I turned to Baiden, Schultz and Macron and asked why you are not closing the sky? How many people must be killed for that to happen? Ukraine has acquired the right to be a member of the European Union like Germany.”

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