SME listing consultancy bonus, applications until 31 March 2025

by time news

The Ministry of Business and Made in Italy provided details and operational instructions for accessing the tax credit for consultancy costs incurred in 2024 by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) for listing on regulated markets. It will be possible to submit applications until March 31, 2025. They must be sent to the certified mailbox [email protected]. The forms to use and instructions on how to send them are available on site Mimit comes out.

The tax credit was introduced by the 2018 budget law (article 1, paragraphs 89-92 of law no. 205/2017) and regulated by decree of 23 April 2018 of the Minister of Economic Development, in agreement with the Minister of Economy and Finance, who defined the methods and criteria for granting.

After subsequent extensions, decree no. 215/2023, converted by law no. 18/2024, extended the measure to consultancy costs incurred until 31 December 2024 for listings that took place in the year 2024, for which it is possible to request a tax credit equal to 50% up to a maximum of 500 thousand euros.

The costs relating to the following consultancy activities are eligible for the tax credit:

  • activities supported in view of the start of the listing process and aimed at it, such as, among others, the implementation and adaptation of the management control system, assistance to the company in drafting the industrial plan, support to the company in all phases of the functional path to listing on the reference market
  • activities provided during the admission to listing phase and aimed at certifying the company’s suitability for admission and subsequent permanence on the market
  • activities necessary to place the shares being listed with investors
  • activities aimed at supporting the issuing company in the review of historical or prospective financial information and in the consequent preparation of a report, including those relating to the performance of financial due diligence
  • assistance activities of the issuing company in the drafting of the admission document and the prospectus or documents used for the placement with qualified investors or for the production of research as defined in article 3, paragraph 1, numbers 34 and 35 of EU regulation no. . 596/2014
  • activities concerning the legal, fiscal and contractual issues strictly inherent to the listing procedure such as, among others, the activities relating to the definition of the offer, the examination of the information prospectus or admission document or the documents used for the placement with qualified investors, legal or fiscal due diligence and aspects related to corporate governance
  • communication activities necessary to offer maximum visibility of the Company, to disseminate the investment case, through interviews, press releases, events and presentations to the financial community.

The relief is reserved for companies admitted to listing on a regulated market or in a multilateral trading system of a Member State of the European Union or the European Economic Area, which have incurred consultancy costs for this purpose.

In the following thirty days from the deadline set for sending the requests, the Directorate General for Industrial Policy, Competitiveness and SMEs of the Ministry, after verifying the envisaged requirements as well as the requested documentation, based on the relationship between the amount of resources allocated for each year and the total amount of credits requested, determines the maximum percentage of the tax credit and communicates to SMEs the recognition or denial of the subsidy and, in the first case, the amount actually due.

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