A new “Armenian show” is starting today at PACE

by times news cr

2024-10-02 23:32:28

Author: Elchin Alioglu

Source: Trend

“Discussions on the situation in Azerbaijan” will be held again in the fall session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), which will last until October 4.

Thus, a new tragicomedy, a show in which pro-Armenian deputies will perform, is taking place in Strasbourg.

In recent years, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) has shown surprising persistence in its efforts to put pressure on Azerbaijan. Against the background of geopolitical changes and the settlement of the Karabakh conflict, which has been going on for many years, the representatives of the assembly take an obviously subjective and incorrect position and try to artificially aggravate the situation. These efforts are already doomed to failure, because Azerbaijan, based on its national interests, has long proven its ability to conduct an independent and free policy and does not succumb to external pressures.

PACE: an attempt at pressure through agenda manipulation

PACE’s next attempt to put pressure on Azerbaijan was manifested within the autumn session that started yesterday in Strasbourg. Despite the objections of individual representatives, discussions on “deterioration of human rights, rule of law and democracy in Azerbaijan” were included in the agenda.

A new “Armenian show” is starting today at PACE

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Bringing this subject up for discussion was decided as a result of a vote in which 81 deputies supported, 33 voted against and 5 abstained.

During the plenary session, Georgian representative Givi Mikanadze emphasized the absurdity and inexpediency of discussing this topic in the absence of Azerbaijani representatives. He proposed to establish direct contact with the newly elected parliament of Azerbaijan to discuss this situation. However, this proposal was rejected by a majority vote, proving once again that PACE decisions are unilateral.

Lies and political games against Azerbaijan

The tension between Azerbaijan and PACE began in January 2024, when the assembly did not approve the mandate of the Azerbaijani delegation, and in September, sanctions were imposed that stopped Baku’s activities within the organization. According to many observers, this decision was dictated by political motives rather than human rights issues.

The reason for these sanctions is related to the successful anti-terrorist operation of the Azerbaijani army in September 2023, which led to the restoration of Azerbaijan’s full sovereignty over Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur. This success did not coincide with the plans of certain forces within the PACE, who were apparently interested in keeping the conflict frozen. As the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev noted, “those in the leadership of PACE are trying to control the states with a conductor’s rod.” But Baku does not play by other people’s rules, and this irritates those who try to dictate their own terms.

Independent foreign policy of Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan’s position is clear and decisive: the country will continue its independent foreign policy based on its national interests. PACE’s attempts to force its agenda on Azerbaijan will not lead to a change in this policy, on the contrary, it further strengthens Azerbaijan’s sovereignty and independence.

Putting pressure on our country is actually an attempt to undermine the country’s political stability. However, Baku is a capital where conditions dictated from abroad are not valid. An example of this conflict is the attempt to activate Azerbaijan’s participation in alternative international organizations such as BRICS. The mentioned step demonstrates the readiness of the country to seek new cooperation formats and strengthen its international status.

COP29: International Pressure on Azerbaijan

One of the main factors of increasing pressure on Azerbaijan is related to the holding of the 29th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29) in the country. As Baku hosts international level events, the forces trying to escalate the situation in the country become more active. Those pressures are carried out in a coordinated manner, which is confirmed by the simultaneous actions between the European Parliament, PACE and the US Congress.

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Events like COP29 provide an opportunity to strengthen Azerbaijan’s position in the international arena, and this causes concern in certain circles that want to limit Baku’s sphere of influence. The purpose of the pressure on the country is to weaken its international image and undermine its position on the world stage.

The new chairman of PACE

The new chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), Teodoros Rousopoulos, has shown an extremely biased, subjective and illogical position regarding Azerbaijan since the first moment he took office. His actions and statements cause serious concern as they increase tension in the region and inflame revanchist mood in Armenia.

One of the most vivid examples of A. Rousopoulos’ non-objective approach was his active support for the advancement of biased resolutions directed only against Azerbaijan. For example, in his recent statements, he repeatedly emphasized the need to “end the aggression” and “protect the rights of Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh”, completely ignoring the fact that Azerbaijan has restored its territorial integrity in accordance with international norms and that the Karabakh conflict was resolved in 2020 as a result of the war.

However, Azerbaijan has the full right to control its territory, and this is confirmed by UN resolutions (822, 853, 874 and 884). These resolutions clearly demanded the withdrawal of Armenian armed forces from the occupied territories of Azerbaijan. But Rousopoulos never mentions the illegal occupation of Azerbaijan’s lands for decades and the violation of Azerbaijan’s citizenship rights, where the Armenians of Karabakh live under the occupation of Armenia.

In addition, although the PACE chairman resorted to manipulations related to the issue of human rights, he never mentions mass crimes such as the Khojaly genocide committed by Armenian armed forces against Azerbaijanis in 1992. These tragic events, which resulted in the merciless killing of more than 600 Azerbaijanis, remain unnoticed by Rousopoulos, which raises doubts about his objectivity.

Rousopoulos’s statements about the “humanitarian disaster in Nagorno-Karabakh” are false and prejudicial at an absurd level against the background of numerous facts that Azerbaijan supports the peace process and offers humanitarian assistance to the Armenian population of Karabakh.

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has repeatedly emphasized that all citizens of Azerbaijan, regardless of ethnicity, have equal rights, this also applies to the Armenian population in Karabakh. However, the PACE chairman avoids admitting these facts and his statements are suspicious.

A. Rousopoulos said in a speech: “We must support Armenia in its struggle for justice.” This idea is extremely dangerous because it provokes Armenia to take military steps and revanchist actions.

The position of the PACE chairman can lead to serious consequences for regional stability. After the 44-day Second Karabakh War ended in 2020, the revanchist forces that did not want to accept defeat in Armenia became more active. Instead of reconciliation and constructive dialogue, Rousopoulos is encouraging these forces to take military action by supporting them. This is a very dangerous signal and may force Armenia to rekindle the conflict.

The activities of Teodoros Rousopoulos may lead to a new stage of tension in the South Caucasus. Support of revanchist mood in Armenia and unilateral accusations against Azerbaijan lead to destabilization in the region. European structures such as PACE, on the contrary, should help to resolve the conflict peacefully and strengthen regional security. But Rousopoulos’s position runs counter to these goals, and disastrous consequences may be inevitable.

In short, the subjective and biased position of the new chairman of PACE Theodoros Rousopoulos regarding Azerbaijan undermines the trust in international institutions and may open the way for a new wave of conflict in the South Caucasus. Instead of supporting reconciliation and dialogue, it supports revanchist forces in Armenia, which creates serious risks for regional security. The international community must pay attention to this dangerous trend and take steps to prevent the situation from worsening.

The future of Azerbaijan and PACE

Analyzing the current situation, it can be said with complete certainty that the steps taken by PACE against Azerbaijan are not promising. The pressure exerted on Baku creates more of the opposite effect. This, like a boomerang, comes back to the initiators of such events, hitting their reputation in the international arena.

Speaking before the media, President Ilham Aliyev stressed: “Azerbaijan is a strong and independent state, no one can put pressure on us.” These words are supported by Azerbaijan’s real steps in the international arena and show that the country is resolutely continuing on its own path. Azerbaijan does not submit to foreign rules that are tried to be forced upon it.

No matter how much PACE conducts debates and adopts resolutions, the impact of these steps on Azerbaijan will be minimal. On the contrary, these steps cause dissatisfaction among the people of Azerbaijan, because people clearly see the attempts of foreign forces to manipulate public opinion for their own interests.

As a result, the stronger the PACE attempts to put pressure on Azerbaijan, the more independent Baku becomes. This strategy not only resulted in failure, but at the same time opened new horizons for Azerbaijan’s foreign policy and further strengthened its position in the international arena. Azerbaijan has already proven that it does not submit to foreign manipulations and will continue its path relying on the support of its people and state sovereignty.

Azerbaijan has repeatedly shown that it does not give in to foreign pressures and continues its own path with confidence. The country’s independent foreign policy, aimed at protecting national interests, has proven its effectiveness, despite the pressure efforts of international organizations.

Against the background of these events, it can be said with complete certainty that PACE’s attempts to influence the internal politics of Azerbaijan are doomed to failure in advance. As before, Azerbaijan will resolutely defend its sovereignty and independence, proving to the international community that the country is not an object of foreign manipulations and pressures.

The future of PACE as an organization based on the principles of justice and equality will be seriously questioned if it continues its policy of double standards. On the other hand, Azerbaijan will continue on its way, resolutely defending its independence and national interests in the international arena.

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