Iran renews its criticism of Iraqi monetary policy and proposes solutions

by times news cr



/ The Secretary-General of the Joint Iranian-Iraqi Chamber of Commerce, Jahanbakhsh Sanjabi Shirazi, stated today, Tuesday, that no special meeting was held between Iraqi bank directors and the American side regarding the suspension of foreign currency exchange with Iran, pointing out that the Central Bank of Iran also has its own policies and solutions in this field. .

The Iranian Fars News Agency, in a report published in Persian and translated by Agency, quoted Sanjabi commenting on news that “the American side summoned the directors of Iraqi banks and asked them to prevent Iranian semi-governmental businessmen from circumventing the sanctions,” saying that the importance of this matter was so great that Iraqi news and specialized media caught his attention personally, concluding that he finally came to the conclusion that no such meeting had taken place in the first place.

He added, there is no such thing as “semi-governmental traders” in commercial literature, and it is strange to mention this issue, as in international trade there is either a governmental sector or a non-governmental sector, indicating that, through his long experience in this field, he has not encountered such a word in business. International business.

Sinjabi continued that there is another ambiguous point in this news. The US Federal Reserve may have a role in the banking and monetary policy of the Central Bank of Iraq, but for an American official to summon the executive directors of Iraqi banks, reprimand them, and take the necessary measures, this request seems unlikely, indicating that, as far as he knows, The current Iraqi statesmen do not agree to such a thing in terms of legal status.

Sanjabi stated that discussing the restrictions and foreign exchange policies of the Central Bank of Iraq is not a new matter, and it has been a year since it was planned, noting that during this period the Central Bank of Iraq put a series of policies in the field of currency regulation on the agenda, and this does not mean that the trade process between Iran Iraq has completely stopped.

The Secretary-General of the Iran-Iraq Chamber of Commerce stated that there are no problems or restrictions in Iranian-Iraqi trade. He continued: In any case, the Central Bank of Iran also has its own policies and solutions and can reduce America’s harm in this regard, explaining that among these solutions is the establishment of clearing houses (exchanging checks and settling accounts between banks), and the Central Bank of Iran’s plan based on the “external riyal.” “, and the bilateral monetary agreement between Iran and Iraq, which could continue trade between the two countries as it was in the past.

Sinjabi also referred to the consequences of the policies of the Central Bank of Iraq, saying that it is certain that the implementation of such policies by the Iraqi government is the most harmful to the people of this country, in the first place that part of the services and goods that this country needs must be supplied from outside the borders. Iraq: If the people’s needs for currency, as well as their currency and trading system, are not met by the Americans, they will turn to the free market currency, and with the difference in the price of the government and the free currency in Iraq, the pressure on the consumer will increase and multiply.

The member of the Iranian Chamber of Commerce added that the continuation of this process will cause problems in Iraq in the long term, and it is not unlikely that this country will face complaints about the commercial and consumer system and the new policies of the Central Bank of Iraq during the next six months.

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