The coastal provinces were the last to have 100% electricity coverage after the blackouts – La Nación

by times news cr

2024-10-03 02:48:33

He blackout was total in the country during 30 minutesand the Electrical Companies they took a while four hours in restore he service al 100 by hundred. Since the 15h17 until 15h47the efforts made by the National Operated, PRICINGto restore the electricity were useless.

In the cities, the chaos was obvious by lack of traffic lightsthere were businesses affected and even personas that stayed trapped in elevators. This graph shows the drastic fall of 4 500 megawatts. That was the demand at 15h17, before blackout,

Only at 16h00 he electrical system with restarted and started to transmit. First 500 megawatts and an hour later 1 500. At 18h40 the offer of electricity was almost completethen it came to 3,500 megawatts. In some cities they followed each other reporting sectors without electricity.

The electrical companies of the Sierra which are mainly supplied with hydroelectric power They were the ones that normalized the service the fastest. In the Costa there were complications because he thermoelectric park took a while restart their operations. The Gold was the province that it took longer in returning to the normal.

This morning the supply levels y demand were normal, Even the Ministry of Education confirmed that the activities in the night shift are resumed from this evening.

Technical Failure in the Milagro – Zhoray Transmission Line caused the disconnection at the National Level

The Minister of Energy and Mines, Roberto Luqueindicated that the electric suspension this Wednesday June 19responds to the lack of investment in it system of transmission of the Ecuador.

He indicated that the falla what is produced in the miracle lineZhoraywhich caused a disconnection in waterfall a national level.

“The event that occurred this afternoon is one more example that the energy system is in crisis and has several aspects reflected in the generation, distribution and transmission systems.”

And finally he clarified that what happened is a unusual event y down which shows the fragility of our system; and reflects the energy crisis.

The Electricity Sector Crisis Committee and a Specialized Commission on the investigation of electrical faults They analyze what produced it and the Government has limited a inform which was a falla in one of the lines of transmission.

In the of 230 kilovolts between Zhoray in Cañar y Miracle in Guayas, according to the Ministry of Energy. It is a life line why transport towards the Costa part of the energy generated by the Paute Complexwhich is the largest in the country.

When that line left of work, the energy sought other paths. There is two parallel lines towards Guayas, one that arrives directly to Guayaquil and the other that passes through Duran. Both were overloaded. The same thing happened with the one that is going to Riobamba and another to Cuenca.

Immediately, the protection systems what disconnect lines, transformers y generators. That’s why they were left out service las thermoelectricespecially in the Costa.

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