Sporting help – Lanzenkirchner collected 7,000 euros on his bike for flood relief

by time news

Hans Müllner and his colleagues “cycled” around 7,000 euros in donations.

Gernot Heinzlmayer

BInitiator Hans Müllner completed 440 kilometers in the 24-hour cycling challenge around Lanzenkirchen. The donations will go to someone affected by flooding in the district.

Hans Müllner (65) from Lanzenkirchen cycled for 24 hours for a good cause, more precisely to provide financial support to those affected by the flood disaster. Two euros were donated for each completed lap (20 kilometers). However, Müllner did not tackle the challenge alone, but encouraged people to cycle along in advance. With success – 89 participants got into the saddle, and after each round you could get on or off again.

“Some even got in at midnight. I was never alone for the entire 24 hours. There was always someone at my side,” says Müllner happily. He himself covered around 440 kilometers in the 24 hours. A total of 6,280 kilometers came together.

In addition to the active fundraisers, there were a number of sponsors who supported the campaign with a “symbolic round”. The bottom line was a donation result of 7,000 euros. The amount will be handed over to a pensioner from Neusiedl (municipality of Waidmannsfeld) affected by the flood. Initiator Müllner is still enthusiastic about the response the 24-hour cycling generated. “Far more than I imagined. It was really great to see everyone who helped. Thanks to everyone, especially to Gerhard Deibl, who basically managed the event.”

2024-10-03 03:30:00

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