Martí Batres grabbed her against Vicente Fox who has not even made a sound in recent days

by times news cr

Marti Batreshead of government of CDMX who is about to leave office, He grabbed her against Vicente Foxeven though this It hasn’t even made a sound in the last few days..

It was during the presentation of his report on the promotion of reading, which Marti Batres lashed out against Vicente Foxbecause He remembered some nonsense of the former president.

The affected that the substitute capital head of government launched against the former president, occurred despite the fact that the latter It hasn’t even made a sound for the last few days..

But,what did he say Martí Batres about Vicente Fox? We tell you the details of the criticism that he threw at him when he remembered some of the mistakes he made.

Former president of Mexico, Vicente Fox Quezada (Moises Pablo Nava / Moisés Pablo Nava)

Martí Batres called Vicente Fox an ignorant donkey

In his conference on October 2 in which he presented a report on promoting reading, Marti Batres recognition of the cultural level of Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) y Claudia Sheinbaum.

The above is due to Martí Batres asserting that the former president AMLO is a cultured man due to his extensive knowledge in history and known taste for literature.

In the same sense, he highlighted that the president of Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaum, not far behindsince he highlighted that She is a very cultured woman, prepared and scientific.

In contrast, he said that the leaders who preceded AMLO—Enrique Peña Nieto and Vicente Fox— were quite the opposite, as he recalled that both exhibited their little knowledge of literature.

After remembering that Enrique Peña Nieta He couldn’t even name a bookhighlighted that the case of Vicente Fox is incredible, since he fell into several mistakes who demonstrated their ignorance.

In this regard, Martí Batres recalled the occasions in which Vicente Fox he changed his name to Jorge Luis Borges and even modified the title of a book by Carlos Fuentes.

Because of these nonsense, Martí Batres ruled that Vicente Fox he is ignorant and even pointed out that he was a “burro”which is why he regretted that a profile like that reached the presidency of the Republic.

At the conclusion of his attack against the former president, the head of Government of CDMX recommended that everyone read a lot to avoid being like Vicente Fox.

“What a contrast with Peña Nieto who was asked about 3 books and he couldn’t finish the title of the first (…) but the case of Vicente Fox, incredible. How did he invent “José Luis Borgues”, did he change the titles of the books of Carlos Fuentes (…) an ignoramus, a donkey Vicente Fox.

How is it possible for someone like that to be president? (…) read a lot so that you never become like Fox”

Marti Batres

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Martí Batres grabbed her against Vicente Fox who has not even made a sound in recent days” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen=”” title=””>

Martí Batres launched harsh criticism against Vicente Fox despite the fact that the former president has not even made a sound

The dart that Martí Batres launched against Vicente Fox by calling him a ignorant donkeyit occurred despite the fact that the former president It hasn’t even made a sound throughout the last days.

The above is because unlike a couple of previous weeks, the politician and businessman originally from the state of Guanajuato has remained absent of social networks.

Even, the last publication that Vicente Fox shared on X was on September 30, when despite the historical political context, he shared a tweet in which he said that a change of direction is needed.

On the other platforms where it has a presence, Facebook and InstagramMartha Sahagún’s husband has been even more absent, since in both his last publications date back to September 16.

Vicente Fox's most recent tweet

Vicente Fox’s most recent tweet (X )

2024-10-03 04:50:24

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