Nurseries and infant schools, the Pnrr call for the construction of new structures is a flop: ministry forced to extend deadline

by time news

The announcement for the realization Of nursery schools and preschools, financed with funds from the Pnrr. Indeed, the participation of the Commonwhich had to present the projects, it was rather poor. To avoid losing the financing Europeansthe Ministry of Education was forced to extend the deadline to March 31. The tender, which closed on February 28, had allocated five billion euros for the construction of new schools, the maintenance of old ones and the digitization. Most of these funds, 3 billion, were destined for the 0-6 age group, of which 2.4 for nursery schools. And it was precisely on the latter that the problems were recorded: many municipalities in the south did not show up. To have done worse they were Campania, Sicily e Calabria. “Today there is bad news about the PNRR: the asylum call is not going well” commented the deputy minister of the economy, Laura Castelli. According to Cgia of Mestre, at risk there would be 1.2 billion, half of the amount allocated. A possible solution to avoid losing the financing it could be to shift resources from nurseries to nurseries.

Moreover, already theParliamentary Budget Office he had found some critical issues in the part of the tender relating to nursery schools, a particularly delicate front for Italy. The southern regions, in fact, are very far from the European target of 33% coverage in the 3-36 months range. Campania and Calabria, for example, manage to guarantee a place only to just over 10% of children. To bring all regions in line with the EU parameter by 2025, the NRRR plans to increase the supply by 265 thousand units. And given the dramatic situation in the South, the announcement aimed at the noon 55.29% of the resources. Resources that, for the moment, will remain on paper.

In addition to the lack of technical structures suitable for the design and implementation of investments, to have held back the municipalities may have been fears of not being able to manage the new kindergartens due to lack of funds. To reassure the mayors, the vice Minister Laura Castelli, recalling that the government has put on the plate for the management of the nests “120 million euros for this year, 175 million for the next, 230 million for 2024, 300 million for 2025, 450 million for 2026 “. Resources destined to grow to 1.1 billion per year from 2027. Il Ministry of Education it also hired consultants to help local authorities set up projects. “Furthermore,” underlined Castelli, “we strongly wanted a share of treasury extra equal to 10% of the work in order to meet the advance costs that arise in the start-up “and introduced” organizational and reinforcement ad hoc for municipalities “.

However, the problem of non-use of funds could also extend to other areas given that the NRP assigns one third of the resources – 66 billion, which reaches 80 if we also consider the complementary fund – to mayors and governors. In particular, the municipalities will receive 36 billion euros, of which 30 billion (83.3% of the total) have already been divided, reports a note from the CGIA of Mestre. But now comes the difficult. Municipalities will have to commit that money by the end of the year for projects aimed at improving the quality housing of public real estate assets, social inclusion and territorial protection. For the CGIA this is an “almost impossible mission”. The effort required of the mayors is immense: the resources that they will have to spend are triple what they were allocated a year between 2017 and 2019. “Many municipalities, especially those little ones“, it is read in the deepening created by the CGIA “have human resources reduced to the bone, with major problems in dealing with the procedural difficulties required to ground these investments”.

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