Feldkirch city tunnel clears final legal hurdle

by time news


The Feldkirch city tunnel has now cleared the final legal hurdle. The Administrative Court (VwGH) has dismissed the complaint of a citizens’ initiative. The mega project costs 270 million euros.

According to the state press office, a legally binding building permit for the Feldkirch city tunnel was already available in the summer of 2019, with the confirmation of the positive EIA decision by the Federal Administrative Court. The “proper legal process” was thus completed and the state government gave the go-ahead for the start of the preparatory measures for the construction of the Feldkirch relief project.

Photo series with 3 pictures

On the grounds of the Frastanz-Felsenau state building yard, the construction of a noise protection wall is followed by the construction site equipment for the main tunnel of the Feldkirch city tunnel

Media Zoo / State of Vorarlberg

On the grounds of the Frastanz-Felsenau state building yard, the construction of a noise protection wall is followed by the construction site equipment for the main tunnel of the Feldkirch city tunnel
The Feldkirch-Frastanz cycle path connection in Felsenau will also continue to be built in the new year

State of Vorarlberg

The Feldkirch-Frastanz cycle path connection in Felsenau will also continue to be built in the new year

State of Vorarlberg

This is what the Felsenau portal of the Feldkirch city tunnel should finally look like.

Project opponents went “extraordinary legal action”

However, the project opponents still took the so-called “extraordinary legal action”. With submissions to the Constitutional Court (VfGH) and the Administrative Court (VwGH), an application for “suspensive effect” should be obtained, equivalent to a construction freeze until a decision is made. Within a few weeks, the Constitutional Court had rejected both the “suspensive effect” and the objection itself. The VwGH also rejected the “suspensive effect”, but did not decide on the matter itself. The written judgment is now available: the VwGH has rejected the appeal request.

“It is gratifying that the extraordinary legal process has been completed today and that the construction of the main tunnel can be tackled,” says Provincial Councilor Marco Tittler (ÖVP). The planning for this has been in full swing for a long time. According to the current project schedule, a call for tenders for the construction work for the main tunnel can be expected within a year. The planned start of construction for the main tunnel is late 2023/early 2024.

The relief in Feldkirch is just as great. Mayor Wolfgang Matt (ÖVP): “Finally this last hurdle has been taken. The traffic relief that is so important for the people of Feldkirch is thus moving a good deal closer. This is a happy day for Feldkirch!”

Feldkirch city tunnel
The project includes four tunnel branches with a total length of almost four kilometers. An underground roundabout connects the four branches.

The project is to be implemented in two phases

The project is to be implemented in two phases. In lot 1, tunnel branches and portals are being built in Felsenau and Tisis, as well as the underground roundabout. The tunnel branch with the Tosters portal follows in lot 2. “We are currently in the process of building the Old Town exploratory tunnel. The first blasting work will start in the course of this week,” explains Gerhard Schnitzer from the state’s road construction department.

The noise protection wall at the school center is already in place, as is the one along the Blödlebach in Frastanz. The cycle path is also being built at full speed. From 2023, cyclists will be able to cycle along the Ill without crossing.

The Feldkirch bypass or tunnel has been planned for almost 30 years. The tunnel should be completed and passable in 2030.

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