“I no longer watch TV and spend most of my time in my farm in Puglia” – time.news

by time news
Of Chiara Maffioletti

The star of Beautiful: «I no longer hear from my colleagues on the soap. And I’m a little sorry ”

There is a universe in which everything is possible, in which every relationship – mother-in-law with son-in-law, sister-in-law with brother-in-law, nephew with uncles – is legitimate and where even resurrections are contemplated. Even time, in Beautiful, is a suspended concept, with infants who become adults within a few episodes and adults who remain adults, without ever getting old, even for decades. For this reason it is quite impressive to know that today one of the pioneers of that universe, Ronn Moss, the iconic Ridge Forrester (he played that role for 25 years, until 2012: without him that soap would not have been the same) 70 years old.

What effect does this round figure have on you?

“I must admit that, as much as I can, I try to live every day as if it were my birthday: I am always very grateful for everything that happens to me and I appreciate every moment”.

She seems to have lived two lives: one linked to her most famous character and one in which she started doing what she really loves. Is that so?

“I actually lived two lives even when I was Ridge. Every day was Ridge’s life for me and then Ronn’s. Now I can spend more time living my life the way I want. A beautiful life, with love, music, movies, friends, wine and the beautiful Puglia, which is now my second home ».

Have you just bought a farm there, where you will also organize various events, including weddings … for future spouses who are not superstitious given your past on the set?

“Well, let’s say I know the subject very well (Ridge on the soap has reached 13 marriages, ed.). I can be considered to all intents and purposes a super expert, better than that … ».

Why did Ridge’s character enter people’s hearts so much?

“I’ve always let the people who loved ‘my’ Ridge answer this question for themselves. It is not for me to define the experiences of others. Personally, I am just grateful that I was able to share all this with so many people and for so long. Maybe we can continue this relationship through different creative channels now. I’m confident”.

Did you stay in touch with the rest of the “Beautiful” cast?

“No. Unfortunately, I have never seen or spoken to anyone again. I think it’s because we all have different lives now. I miss many of the people of Beautiful because at the time we were really a big family. But life happens when we are busy making other plans. I haven’t even seen the soap anymore: I don’t watch TV at all, in fact ».

If you could go back, would it change anything in your career?

«It depends, if I could go back with today’s awareness, yes, absolutely. I would try to make a few different decisions, changing the ones that didn’t get me on the path I would have preferred. I learned the lesson”.

He is also very popular for his looks. When you are an icon, is it more difficult to grow old?

“I’ve never been a guy who spends his life in front of the mirror, actually. Not even in the past. I take everything as it is, after all we all get a little older every day. But hopefully he’s also a little wiser. Time will tell ».

Soon he will return to perform in public with his tour. What do you feel when she sings?

«It is a unique experience every time. It allows you to “live in the moment” and that’s all for me. When I am able to share the vibration of music with many people, performing live, I have an extraordinary sensation. I see the smile it brings on the faces of those who listen to me and there is nothing more beautiful ».

“My new film will be out soon, Surprise trip, which also features Lino Banfi in the cast. And then I’m laying the foundations for the next one: a western filmed between Italy, Bulgaria and the United States ».

«I will celebrate in Italy, with a nice party in my farm, where I invited several friends to spend the day together. We will also make a preview screening of the film ».

“World peace seems trivial but never as today”

March 4, 2022 (change March 4, 2022 | 07:13)

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