ten signs that there is little protein in your diet

by time news

2024-10-05 18:43:19

Do you feel very tired or get sick very often? Do you suffer from swelling in your extremities or loss of hair or teeth? Well, it’s possible you’re not consuming enough protein.

In an article published by the newspaper The sun, Chun Tangfamily doctor and medical director of Pall Mall Medical, said: “Proteins are the building block of virtually everything in the body: muscles, skin, hair, nails and even hormones and enzymes.”

“Without enough protein, the body cannot repair cells, generate new tissues nor keep the immune system strong,” explains Dr. Tang.

“There are certainly signs that the body lacks protein and They are not too thin“he says. These are the signs:


“If you can’t get rid of it feeling of slownessEven after a good night’s sleep, you may need to increase your protein intake,” Dr. Tang said.

Hair and skin loss

“You see them falling more strands of hair in the shower? “Your hair may become thinner because hair growth requires proteins,” adds the expert.

Even the skin is affected: “Thinning hair or dry, flaky skin may indicate a protein deficiency, as proteins are essential for the production of keratin, which strengthens these tissues,” he said.

brittle nails

Another way protein deficiency can manifest itself is in the nails. “They chip easily or appearing weaker, is a sign that your body isn’t getting what it needs,” Tang says.


Low protein levels can also cause bloating, especially in the legs and feet. This, known as edema, is due to fluid imbalances, Tang says.


Protein can help you build muscle, so it makes sense to not get enough of it it can make you weaker. You may find it difficult to do physical activities that used to be easy for you.

Sick often

Getting sick more than usual is another potential sign that you need to eat more protein. “Your immune system you may struggle, which makes you prone to getting frequent infections and getting sick more often,” says Dr. Tang.

Poor healing

Likewise, cuts or wounds They can take a long time to heal. “This is because proteins are essential for tissue repair,” adds the doctor.

Mood swings

From lack of sleep to stress, there are numerous factors that can do this affect your mood. But an often overlooked trigger is a lack of protein.

Dr. Tang says, “Protein affects the neurotransmitters, “so you may feel more irritable or groggy without enough.”

constant hunger

Constantly feeling hungry or experiencing hunger intense cravings, especially from foods high in carbohydrates or sugar, it could indicate that you are not eating enough protein to keep your hunger hormones in balance

Gums in very poor condition

Protein is key to keeping your mouth healthy. The gums and tissues that support the teeth depend on the collagenthat the body produces from proteins. Without enough protein, the body may struggle to produce collagen, resulting in weakened gums and a higher risk of problems such as gum disease.

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