“Stop the weapons and negotiate” – time.news

by time news
Of Simona Marchetti

A week after the invasion of Ukraine, the 73-year-old actor has broken his silence on what is happening, demanding an end to the clash. Longtime friend of Vladimir Putin, he has had a Russian passport since January 2013

His silence was making a lot of noise in the French artistic and cultural world. And so, a week after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Gerard Depardieu picked up the phone and dictated his thoughts to AFP on what is happening in that part of the world battered by the bombings decided by Vladimir Putin. “Russia and Ukraine have always been brother countries,” the 73-year-old actor told the news agency. I am against this fratricidal war and I say “stop the arms and negotiate!” ».

Longtime friend of the Creml leaderino, in January 2013 Depardieu had obtained a Russian passport, in disagreement with the fiscal policy of the then French president François Hollande. From that moment on he had not missed an opportunity to sing the praises of Russia, defined as “a great democracy”, and of Putin himself who, in an interview with the tabloid Komsomolskaia Pravda, had even compared to Pope John Paul II and the former French president , François Mitterand. Last Sunday the actress Macha Méril, widow of Michel Legrand, had glossed over the question about Depardieu’s failure to take a stance on the war in Ukraine. “I don’t know what situation he is in – Méril told Rmc – but I hope he becomes aware of what is happening”.

March 2, 2022 (change March 2, 2022 | 15:14)

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