The Municipality of Rehovot has received the gender award from the CN Association (Women’s Power for the Advancement of Women Leadership in Israel) given to cities where at least 40% of women are in senior positions

by time news

The Rehovot Municipal Society invites the residents to a variety of cultural events that will take place during the coming week with lectures, a children’s show, a concert by the Hadari Ron Choir, a film screening at the Rehovot Cinematheque and more.

The full event program:

6.3 | Sunday | 9:00 | White House

Sunday morning – International Women’s Day

The quiet revolution of women in Arab countries with Dr. Michal Yaari, an expert on Saudi diplomacy

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6.3 | Sunday | 11:30 | White House

“They say there is a country”

“Shabbat Ha’aretz” – The first shemita controversy with Uriel Feinerman, tour guide and lecturer

Chapters and polemics in the history of Zionism.
The Zionist movement, which sought to bring about a revolution in the Jewish people, was accompanied from the beginning by sharp polemics, which not only caused storms in their time, but also sometimes severe divisions. Throughout the series, we will describe some of these historical controversies, which are more relevant today than ever.

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8.3 | Tuesday | 11:30 | White House

This Month in the World We will dive into the depths of current events, headlines and the most important interpretations in the world Oren Nahari, editor and commentator. A course on the important events that affect us, the processes we do not pay attention to on a daily basis that change the world – all with a broad and enlightening interpretation. And of course – even the strangest, most fascinating and funny stories in the world. Come on, it’s going to be interesting. At the end of each session time will be devoted to audience questions.

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9.3 | Wednesday | 20:30 | Beit Michal, Gra 10

Tuning – screening of the film and a conversation with director Ilan Yagoda

At the bustling Savidor Merkaz train station, at the bend between the bridge above the platforms and the station building, a black grand piano is placed, which is available to anyone who is interested in playing it. As he observes the movement of passengers to and from the docks, and the entry and exit of the station, the piano seems to hear and see everything from his point of view.

Precisely in this crowded and unexpected place, where the main ambition seems to be to move quickly and efficiently on the way to the destination, is a tool that allows its users to pause for a moment, discover feelings and worlds hidden in them, experience and dedicate themselves to the now. Some of those who choose to sit and play manage to detach from the outside noise, reflect in a different and challenging way the reality in which we live and allow us to look into ourselves.

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9.3 | Wednesday | 19:30 | White House

Rehovot Cinematheque – Film screening: “The Perfect Candidate” (Saudi Arabia / Germany 2019) | Lecture: What do Saudi women want? Smadar Perry, journalist and commentator on Arab affairs

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10.3 | Thursday | 17:30 | Beit Michal, Gra 10

Purim Costume | Story Theater – Shani Weissman Ronny does not know what to dress up. The night before Purim she has a dream. All the costumes come out of the closet. And Ronny finds a great costume that no other boy or girl has

Designed for boys and girls aged 3 and up

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11.3 | Friday | 9:30 | White House

The apple and the tree – children and parents’ relationship in prose and poetry with Prof. Haim Beer, Israeli writer and poet, Professor Emeritus of Hebrew Literature at Ben-Gurion University.

The relationship between sons and daughters and fathers and mothers is complex and multifaceted, and the beautiful literature gives them innumerable delicate and incredibly sensitive expressions and also horribly blatant and cruel. The writer Haim Beer presents a series of lectures on the various faces of this human drama and this time “Grandma’s Stories” – the accepting, comforting and supportive character of the grandmother in literature

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11.3 | Friday | 11:00 | Municipal Hall of Culture

Hadari Ron Choir Conductor: Avi Paintoch, at the piano: Ze’ela Rosenblatt “Between East and West” – the songs that are on the seam line between East and West and the connections that are created between the worlds

Admission is free

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