Two people in their 30s were seriously injured in a car accident on Route 60

by time news

Eight people were injured recently (Friday) in a serious car accident between three vehicles (two Israelis and one Palestinian) on Road 60, between Ma’ale Levona and Rachelim, when some of the injured were trapped in the vehicle. MDA medics and paramedics, in cooperation with an IDF medical force, provided them with medical treatment and evacuated six wounded to hospitals. Among the injured, a man and a woman in their 30s in critical condition, a 4-year-old boy in moderate condition and three others injured in mild condition. Two other lightly wounded were evacuated by the Red Crescent into Palestinian Authority territory. Examiners of the Traffic Division of the Israel Police are investigating the circumstances of the accident.

MDA paramedics Bezalel Ben Hamo and David Trachtenberg said: “This is a serious frontal accident involving another vehicle, in one of the vehicles were five family members, parents and three children, in another vehicle only a driver and in the third vehicle 2 passengers (Palestinians). With the help of the firefighters, we rescued the wounded from the vehicles, provided them with prompt medical treatment in the field and evacuated them to the hospital, with the parents in a difficult condition, a 4-year-old boy in moderate condition, and the rest in light condition. Two passengers were evacuated by the Red Crescent to the house. “

Mordechai Bar-On, a paramedic from the Rescue Union who first arrived at the scene, said: “This is an accident involving two vehicles. With the help of other paramedics, assistance in the arena for a man and a woman who were seriously injured and evacuated by helicopter to the hospital. In addition, with the assistance of IDF medical teams, we provided assistance at the scene to their four children who were in a vehicle that was slightly to moderately injured and to two other casualties in a light condition. “Fire crews operated in the arena due to the nature of the accident.”

Lahav Rudy Esteban, commander of the Samaria Regional Station shift in the IDF who arrived at the scene to rescue the trapped, said: The first crew to arrive at the scene reported in connection with a car accident between three vehicles, and that this was a difficult and complex arena. After an initial assessment of the situation and prioritizing the removal of the casualties, the firefighters and volunteers began rescuing the trapped people with the help of hydraulic tools. The captives were rescued while providing life-saving primary medical care. At the end of the rescue operations, the detainees were transferred to medical care. “

Lahav adds Rudy Esteban and says: “Recently, there have been a number of road accidents, which take a heavy toll. I ask in every language of request: drive carefully so that you reach your destination in peace. “

Photo: Fire and Rescue Spokeswoman for Israel
Two bloodied men in their 30s were seriously injured in a car accident
Photo: Fire and Rescue Spokeswoman for Israel
Two bloodied men in their 30s were seriously injured in a car accident
Photo: Fire and Rescue Spokeswoman for Israel

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