Moscow Mayor’s Office did not coordinate the marches of supporters and opponents of the war in Ukraine | News from Germany about Russia | DW

by time news

On Friday, March 4, the Moscow government officially refused to hold two mass actions scheduled for March 12 in the center of the Russian capital. The press service of the Moscow Department of Regional Security and Anti-Corruption justified the refusal by the “epidemiological situation” due to the coronavirus.

The Yabloko party and a group of representatives of nationalist organizations filed applications with the mayor’s office. Yabloko planned to hold an anti-war march of up to 30,000 participants along the route from Strastnoy Boulevard to the intersection of Akademika Sakharov Avenue with the Garden Ring. Its theme was “an expression of the attitude of Muscovites to a special military operation,” as the Russian authorities call the war between Russia and Ukraine. On the same day, the nationalists wanted to organize a “March in Support of the Russian Army” with the participation of up to 25,000 supporters along Tverskaya Street from the State Duma building to Triumphalnaya Square. Both actions were scheduled for the same time – from 14.00 to 19.00 Moscow time.

The ban on mass actions due to the coronavirus in Moscow has been in effect for two years. The day before, on March 3, due to the improvement of the epidemiological situation, the city authorities lifted most of the restrictions, including the occupancy of the halls of theaters and other institutions, but the ban on mass events remained in force.

OVD-Info: Almost 8,200 people detained at anti-war rallies in Russia

In Russia, more than 8,170 people were detained during anti-war actions taking place after the Russian military invasion of Ukraine, the OVD-Info human rights project reported on March 4. Lists of detainees have been published on the project website.

Russia’s military intervention in Ukraine was strongly condemned by many countries. Actions of solidarity with Ukraine have begun in many states. A number of countries have introduced new punitive measures against the Russian Federation. Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov are included in the sanctions lists of the United States, the European Union, Great Britain, Australia and Canada.

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