2024-10-07 22:21:47
privacy policy in Telegram“/>
Founder of the famous Telegram messenger Pavel Durov announced changing the platform’s privacy policy. Now, in response to legal requests from authorized bodies, the IP addresses and phone numbers of users who violate Telegram rules can be disclosed.
As Day.Az reports, this is stated in Durov’s Telegram channel.
Telegram search, which allows you to find public channels and bots, has unfortunately been used by some users to trade illegal goods, which violates the Terms of Service. To address this issue, Telegram’s dedicated AI moderation team has significantly improved the security of the search feature over the past few weeks. Now all problematic content found in the search has become inaccessible.
To further prevent search abuse, Telegram has updated its Terms of Service and Privacy Policy to ensure consistency across the globe. The company has clearly stated that IP addresses and phone numbers of violators may be shared with the relevant authorities in response to legal requests.
These measures are aimed at deterring offenders, since search on Telegram is intended to find friends and news, not to distribute illegal goods. The company will not allow attackers to threaten the security of the platform, which has nearly a billion users.
Let us remind you that Telegram, founded by Pavel Durov in 2013, is one of the most popular instant messengers in the world with more than 950 million active users. The platform is known for its commitment to privacy and security, offering features such as end-to-end encryption and self-destructing messages.