Checks for the couple before setting up a baby. What they are and how they are obtained –

by time news
Of Chiara Daina

Specialized preconception services are fully reimbursed by the National Health Service. Who should be contacted and how they should be requested

When a couple decides to have a child it can carry out checks on your health to contribute to the birth of a healthy baby and the well-being of the future mother. Specialized preconception services are fully reimbursed by the National Health Service. It is sufficient for the family doctor or the reference gynecologist to write the code M00 on the prescription. Both men and women have the right toblood countall’examination for the detection of pathological hemoglobins (to rule out Mediterranean anemia, for example), al winter testto that to determine the blood group and at serological screening for syphilis. In addition, the partner can perform a gynecological examination, a pap smear (if not carried out in the previous three years), an indirect Coombs test (to check for the presence of anti-Rh antibodies which destroy the red blood cells of the fetus causing it to have haemolytic anemia) and another to check immunity from rubella.

Critical situation

In more critical contexts, for example after two consecutive miscarriagesprevious illnesses during pregnancy that caused the baby to die shortly before or shortly after birth, or in presence of hereditary diseases in the family (such as, for example, cystic fibrosis, microcythemia, diabetes and hypertension), the couple may be prescribed by the specialist gynecologist or geneticist a specialist medical examination in medical genetics. Serve for the construction of the family tree for at least three generations with the aim of identifying diseases of which the couple may be a carrier with an adequate genetic test. The study of the chromosomal map is also proposed by examining the karyotype. And in addition, to the woman: A ‘transvaginal gynecological ultrasoundto exclude uterine malformations that prevent the healthy evolution of pregnancy, in search of antibodies associated with hypercoagulation, which make it difficult to implant the embryo in the uterus, to control the thyroid gland andhysteroscopythat is, to the diagnosis and treatment of uterine malformations, polyps, fibroids, tumors remember Donatella Casertawho has a chair in gynecology at Sapienza University and heads the gynecology department of the Sant’Andrea hospital in Rome.

Moms always later

The fact that today it becomes moms always later exposes the woman and the fetus to greater risks. THEn Italy the first child is conceived on average at 31.3 yearsthree more than in 1995. Overall, the average age at childbirth was 32.2 years. After 35, the onset of complications is easier during pregnancy – finally explains Caserta -. In particular diabetes, which can cause malformations of the fetus, theincreased amniotic fluid and consequent premature birth with increased risk of malposition of the fetus and therefore recourse to caesarean section. And hypertensionwhich can result in the uneven growth of the fetus or the preeclampsia, which is associated with the increased risk of placental abruption and sometimes with symptoms such as headache, vomiting, edema and excessive weight gain.

March 4, 2022 (change March 4, 2022 | 19:06)

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