The National Film Library goes to school. Third edition as 2024-2025

by time news

07 October 2024

The National Film Archive is the largest film archive in Italy and one of the most important in the world and, together with the National Film School, is one of the two main sectors of the Foundation for the Experimental Center of Cinematography. Among its main activities is the preservation and improvement of the national cinematographic heritage: on the one hand the work of restoration and digitization of the works that require intervention to save and be accessible, on the other the desire to meet and educate the new generations on. the young audience about the history of cinema and audiovisual culture, also through new technologies.

From this point of view, the project LA CINETECA NAZIONALE GO TO SCHOOL trying to draw attention to the Italian cinematographic heritage preserved by the National Film Library: to offer films an exciting second life, so to speak, through the interdisciplinary relationship with the subjects and areas of education addressed in schools at all levels, from primary to secondary school.

In its third year, the project proposes a new path to a focus more specific on film history and cinematographic language.

The path is new “The way we were. Stories and places of Italian cinema”: two adult films that talk about the transformation of Italian society and together pay homage to the golden age of Italian cinema from the post-war period to the seventies and also provide an opportunity to talk about film careers and cinematographic techniques. language.

The 20th century tour continues: “The twentieth century told by Italian films”with particular attention to the cinema of the origins and the pioneers of cinema, the female condition, fascism, Nazism and the Shoah, the Resistance and emigration, trying to “open” the discussion of films in an interdisciplinary, relevant way. the historical, literary, social and artistic fields.

The journey also continues “Cinema by Nature” dedicated to very current issues such as the climate emergency and the relationship between man and nature, which are addressed through animated cinema and some “silent films”, films without words. A path that can be used by the first classes in primary school.


The project is free. Admissions at the cinema (Nuovo Cinema Aquila and Cinema Farnese) have been reduced and are reserved only for the schools participating in the project.

There are copies of the films in vrestored erion and/or preserved by the National Film Library.

The National Film Archive provides teachers with a Digital educational notebook with interdisciplinary texts and in-depth materials, designed for use by teachers, but also as teaching material for students and for use with classes.


  • Deep education notebook;
  • Film screenings at Cinema Farnese and Nuovo Cinema Aquila, from October to April, with an introduction and closing meeting/debate;
  • Lesson in class after watching the cinema, put each film into its historical/critical context and reflect on the history of the cinematographic image and the themes raised by the film;
  • The proposal for free compensation starting from the films seen, in the form of a drawing (a poster of one of the films seen), of a text (a review of one or more films) or of another creative work (a video, a poem, collage, comic book…). The materials produced by each student or the classes will be collected together and they will participate in a Competition;
  • Final event for the CONTEST 2025 Awards.

The expiring participate in 2025 competition is the April 30 and the Awards will be announced in mid-May.


As we were. Stories and places of Italian cinema (October-November)
Beautiful by Luchino Visconti (1951, b/w, 114′)
Recommended classes: Primary (fourth – fifth class); First and second grade secondary schools

The dream factory: the Cinecittà studios; the triangle of Italian cinema: Istituto Luce, Cinecittà and Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia; from cinema to social media: wanting to appear on screen; mothers and daughters: a relationship to explore; cinema careers; Anna Magnani: the anti-diva of the Italian genre; Visconti: from Neorealism to the cinema of the auteur.

We loved each other so much by Ettore Scola (1974, b/w col., 119′)
Recommended classes: Primary (fourth – fifth class); First and second grade secondary schools

The Resistance, the economic boom, the Sixties/Seventies: Italy in transformation; the golden age of Italian cinema from Neorealism to auteur cinema; the film’s metalinguistic style; the friendship of twenty years: ideals, dreams and disillusions; the evolution of the female condition; the role of television; the “construction workers”: corruption in the years of prosperity; the struggles for a democratic school; unforgettable interpreters of Italian cinema; Scola cinema: a visual memory of Italian social history.

The twentieth century told by Italian films (December-March)
The path of hope by Pietro Germi (1950, b/w, 100′)
Recommended classes: Primary (fourth – fifth class); First and second grade secondary schools

The film is paired with two short diploma films from the CSC Animation School of Turin, seen in class independently, on the theme of migration and contemporary racism.

Italian emigration; anti-Southern prejudice and racism; restoration of the film; Italian emigration and immigration to Italy told in Italian cinema past and present.

The truce by Francesco Rosi (1997, col., 113′)
Recommended classes: Lower and upper secondary schools

The Holocaust and the concentration camps; Nazism; the race laws; anti-Semitism; the novel by Primo Levi; Europe during the Second World War; literature and the Holocaust; Rosi civil cinema; Memorial Day.

She is small by Elvira Notari (1922, b/w, silent with Italian intertitles, audio version, 63′)
Music composed by Enrico Melozzi for the revised edition at the Cineteca Nazionale
Recommended grades: Primary (fourth grade); First and second grade secondary schools

Early filmmaking and the presence of women in the history of cinema; the female condition in the twentieth century; feminine; real life setting; the relationship with literature, theater and music in Naples silent cinema; silent film soundtrack; Elvira Notari’s 150th birthday.

Rome, open city in Roberto Rossellini (1945, b/w, 104′)
Recommended classes: Lower secondary school (second third secondary school); Upper secondary school

Fascism and propaganda; Roman Nazi occupation; the Resistance; the literature and cinema of the Resistance; restoration of the film; Rossellini and the “splendor of truth”; Neorealism; places of the Roman Resistance; two faces of Roman cinema: Anna Magnani and Aldo Fabrizi; women’s resistance.

free nature movie, (April)
Animation film and silent movies reflect on the relationship between people and nature.
Raw part – Recommended classes: Primary and early middle school classes

Videos to be done independently in class

The theme chosen is nature, observed and told from many points of view: nature to play and experiment with, nature of fairy tales, nature to protect, but also a friendly nature that takes us out of the pandemic.

Program of four short diploma films from the CSC Animation School in Turin (26′)
Hummus2017; Merlot2016; What Ever Happened To Darwin?2019; Riavach side2020

Part two Recommended classes: Primary school and early middle school classes
Cinema screening (90′)

The short film shows us the danger of a not-so-distant future, dominated by corruption. In the feature film, inspired by Dino Buzzati’s book, the director takes a story that talks about the difficult relationship between humans and nature and other animals, but also about how important it is to meet and respect differences.

Fine dust2018, short film + The famous bear invasion in Sicily by Lorenzo Mattotti, 2019

Contacts, information and membership:
CSC-National Film Library
Cultural Diffusion
External relations/educational projects
Contact person: Maria Coletti
email: [email protected]
cell 348 781 2227

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