Simão Sabrosa and Vanessa Rebelo they said ‘yes’ in a ceremony where their oldest children were not present, Martin and Marianathe result of the former player’s relationship with Philip Valente. Now, Adriano Silva Martinsnot a program ‘V+ Fama’explain how the children are responding to the whole situation.
“There is no truce between Simão Sabrosa and the older children. There is a lot of talk about money, pensions, luxury cars and millionaire allowances”, but, according to the presenter, Mariana and Martim Sabrosa are experiencing the situation “with great sadness”, since the controversy started after their absence from young people at the wedding”he began to say.
Read more: Simão Sabrosa accused of not being a “good father”: “He took from them…”
“They do not exploit their father…”
According to Adriano Silva Martins, the children “sad about the news” e “They say that the portrait being painted (…) does not represent reality”. There are Mariana and Martim “rise up, because they say they are not parasites in society and do not exploit their father”added the presenter.
Regarding the situation, António Leal e Silva argued: “I don’t think conflict between parents and children is good, especially in terms of money. There is nothing that cannot be solved by talking.”.
The wedding of Simão Sabrosa and Vanessa Rebelo
Text: André Sousa / Photos: Social Networks
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