Wednesday 9 March the presentation at Milan-

by time news

The meeting in the spaces of Bonvini 1909. From the events of the periodical born in 1901 to the new languages ​​of the contemporary weekly, a history of culture

The volume la Lettura – 1901-2021 A history of Italian culture (320 pages, e 30) – published by the Corriere della Sera Foundation and produced by the Culture editorial staff of the “Corriere” – will be presented on Wednesday 9 March at 6.30 pm in Milan, in the spaces of Bonvini 1909 (via Tagliamento, 1), a cultural and creative enterprise born from the recovery of a historic Milanese stationery and printing shop, now engaged, among other things, in the organization of courses, exhibitions, events.

Wednesday’s presentation is organized by Bonvini 1909 together with the Corriere Foundation. Participation is free, but you need to register here. Speakers at the evening Franco Achillidesigner and founding partner of Bonvini 1909; Margherita Marvulli who oversaw the editorial coordination of the volume; Marta Sironi, historian of illustration; Antonio Troiano, in charge of the Culture editorial staff of the «Corriere della Sera». The volume, released last December, celebrates a double anniversary: 120 years of the historic “Reading” of the «Corriere» e the ten years of the current supplement which bears the same name. The cultural monthly of the “Corriere della Sera” was commissioned in 1901 by the director of the newspaper, Luigi Albertini (1871-1941), and entrusted to the direction of Giuseppe Giacosa (1847-1906), author among other things, with Luigi Illica, of the librettos of the most famous works by Giacomo Puccini. The magazine was published monthly until 1945 and, with a short but intense season for the big names who worked on it, as a weekly until 1946. In 2011 the birth of the current weekly “la Lettura” which ideally carries on the legacy of the historian cultural supplement of the «Corriere» (number 546 is on newsstands and in the app of the insert).

The book traces the events of the periodical of the early twentieth century up to today’s insert and its digital developments: from historical collaborators to the evolution of graphics and communication languages. The volume has interventions by Luciano Fontana, Claudio Magris and Antonio Troiano. And it collects the contributions of Pierenrico Ratto, Gianluigi Colin, Cristina Taglietti, Arturo Carlo Quintavalle, Stefano Bucci, Vincenzo Trione, Severino Colombo, Marco Del Corona, Cecilia Bressanelli, Alessia Rastelli, Annachiara Sacchi, Marta Sironi, Franco Achilli, Margherita Marvulli, Paolo Of Stefano. The graphic project is signed by XxY studio. The volume is the new result of the editorial activity of the Culture editorial staff of the «Corriere» started in 2013 with the publication of the exhibition catalogs dedicated to the various languages ​​of «la Lettura»: covers, visual data, graphic novel, photography, illustration, poetry.

March 5, 2022 (change March 5, 2022 | 20:54)

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