The Shadow Reveals: This is why Ofira and Berkowitz blew up an interview with me

by time news

The Shadow and Ofira Asaig (Instagram photo by Dvir Kahlon)

Yoav Eliassy (The Shadow), who joined last week’s attack on Ofira Asaig and Itzik’s reprimand towards me, reveals his side in the archive of the interview he gave to the Ofira and Berkowitz program three years ago.

The shadow posted a post on his Facebook in which he clarified why he agreed to be interviewed and what happened in an interview that caused the two to omit him from the final editing of the broadcast, “After begging the show’s producer Mr. Roi Assis, who told me they wanted to quarrel with me Introduced me as the one who most boldly dared to criticize them on his Facebook.

So I got upset and said to God, who are you to be immune to criticism? You’re that your whole program is built on one-sided criticism and slander, angry that I’m criticizing you ‘How hypocritical are you? Yashar Ofira the bride got excited and started trying to sting with pathetic style questions so what do you make a living from? You are an extremist etc … in the procedure. Berkowitz said I’m a coward and he’s brave who says what he has in front of a camera and I hide behind a keyboard (lol .. what is it hide do not ask … wow!) There the monkey ran away from me and I told them everything I think about them and for three minutes I opened on them And I took them out smaller than my body fish.

More in-

“They did not know what to do with me. I asked where they have the courage to preach morality to someone when they have a program that is all libel and slander. When someone comes from 0 times, they lick him and are always hostile to the right and everything related to Netanyahu, and where she has the audacity to talk about anyone When she humiliated her best friend in front of all of Israel and forced her to apologize to her as if she was anyone.

“And how a woman who humiliates and tramples every right-wing interviewee and licks on any anti-Likud and right-wing interviewee dares to open her mouth and play it balanced and anyone who dares to answer her is suing him for libel. So she got upset and shouted ..

And Barko is silent. And then I said to God, ‘These shouts are not facts about me. I’m not counting you! So she said to me “If you are not counting me, what are you doing here?” I told her “you invited me twice already, your producer told me you wanted to fight, so I came ‘”

“Mrs. Asaig put her hand on her waist with the familiar and smug teapot pose she said to me ‘I beg you to leave’ I said to her ‘why? I’m nice here! You can not deal with someone who is not afraid of you ha! So I told her ‘you’re a coward!’ And I went out.The whole crew was in shock with hands on their heads and jaws on the floor.

I turned to my manager who saw everything from the side I asked him to take a picture of it he told me that as he pulled out a camera everyone jumped on him not to take a picture (I wonder what they are afraid of) I smiled and walked with my head held high. Then I found out that these two cowards for the first time chose to shelve the interview from the show. Apparently they realized how small I took them out

“When people leave their program nervously, they make it a promo as winners, but when they throw someone away, they realize they lost and make it go away, only the geniuses forgot to remove my name from the credit … geniuses I already said?”

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