“Me, an astronaut trying to save the Earth from the Moon …” – time.news

by time news
Of Valerio Cappelli

“Moonfall deals with current issues, but it is not an environmentalist”. She is the only black actress to have won the Oscar twenty years ago (Monster’s Ball) as a leading actress: «Many said I was not right. I know racism, I’ve always fought it “

Here the moon rises, rises. And it comes dangerously close to the Earth… Roland Emmerich creates worlds dominated by darkness in the cinema, without sunrises or sunsets. The director who specializes in apocalyptic disasters wanted Halle Berry as his new muse in Moonfall (in rooms from 17). She is on a mission to save the world. The planet is in danger of disappearing due to the Moon, which deviates from its orbit showing the dark side under the mysterious thrust of a gruesome iron mass; it resembles a moray but with the tentacles of a shapeless octopus. And it releases runaway violence.

Halle, who are you in the film?

“My role was originally meant for a man. I work at NASA which is a male environment, like cinema, I am an astronaut with a determined character and a black woman, it was not at all obvious that Roland would knock on my door “.

She is the only black actress to have won the Oscar.

«As a protagonist, yes. It’s been twenty years since Monster’s Ball. The Oscar was moving but it didn’t change my career. Many said I was not right for the role of the maid with her husband in prison condemned to the electric chair. Marc Forster, the director believed in me ».

She was also a Bond Girl, they called her the black Venus of Hollywood.

“I never wanted to define my career through beauty, ending up locked up in a beauty box”.

«I know him, I have always fought him. I looked for the depth of the characters. Many women before me would have deserved to win the Oscar. The question is, why didn’t they win it? What I can say is that in these twenty years progress has been made, today there are many women directors, producers, stars. The roles for us have increased. That I could direct Bruised last year, this too was unimaginable at the time. And I would like to continue as a director ».

What does «Moonfall» say?

“Some scientists realize that a mysterious force is driving the Moon on a collision course with Earth, an impact that will annihilate the world. Meanwhile, the fury of the elements is unleashed. Tsunamis, panic, riots, looting… Behind there are the family dynamics of the protagonists (with me, Patrick Wilson, John Bradley, Michael Pena), personal problems and inner demons. In reality, we are a somewhat ramshackle group of anti-heroes… The director always told us that in Germany, where he grew up, there are no superheroes ».

It is the second disaster film, under pandemic, together with «Don’t look up».

“Precisely because of Covid, which forced us to live so isolated and divided, we can see it with different eyes; he taught us to live the awareness of fear every day, with a different awareness ».

Poets to the Moon speak as to a dear creature …

“It is an almost familiar symbol of the soothing force of nature. Here, however, is the terrible side of him. We asked ourselves: what would happen if he fell to Earth. A horror carnival? We see entire cities submerged by tsunamis, snow storms, meteorites… It is a film about themes of our time, but I would not define it as an environmentalist ».

“I was three, but I remember it. The film hypothesizes that the company hid the secret that would have caused the fall of the Moon to Earth, it is hypothesized that it is not solid rock but a megastructure with an additional mass generating an anomaly. I believe in the power of the moon, when it becomes full I understand it without looking at the sky, I feel it inside me, the energy, the changing body… ».

What’s it like to act inside a shuttle?

“His cockpit was the only concrete object. NASA have been generous in letting us use their shuttle that has completed 25 missions in space. They gave us explanations for not letting us push buttons at random. For the rest, we had to resort to our imagination because we had nothing around us, we had no supporting dialogue, only digital effects, green or blue screens for the overlay effects of the images. The challenge was this, to make that dimension credible. We looked at each other and asked ourselves: now what are you thinking about? ».

How is the world seen virtually from up there?

“Wow, that’s fantastic, especially when it comes to saving him.”

March 6, 2022 (change March 6, 2022 | 07:01)

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