The Rebbe burst into tears: “The Jews must be saved”

by time news
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The situation of the Jews of Ukraine, who are in a time of severe war, continues to arouse great concern among ultra-Orthodox Judaism and among communities in Israel and around the world.

In the courtyard of the Satmar Chassidut (Maharajah), the Rebbe instructed the Chassidic practitioners, Rabbi David Shlomo Eckstein, from the rabbis of the Shomatich Wall Committee, and Rabbi Itamar Meislich, to start working for the benefit of the Jews in danger.

The Chassidut tells Kikar Hashabbat that during the conversation about the war, the Rebbe burst into tears, saying that “after World War II, the survivors asked where the Jews of the United States were during the war, and now we American Jews must save the Jews who are in great danger.”

Afterwards, the activists continued to talk about ways to save the Jews of Ukraine, emphasizing the need to keep the Jews who immigrated to Israel who remained faithful to their Judaism and the Torah, when it was finally decided to hold an urgent meeting with a number of Ukrainian Jews.

The meeting that took place tonight in the United States was attended by, among others, Rabbi Moshe Pima, the emissary of the Rebbe of Karlin and who greatly helps the Jews of Ukraine, Rabbi Pinchas Salzman of Moldova, Rabbi R. Shlomo Bakash of Odessa, Rabbi Shodrich of Poland, activists R. Hillel Cohen and Yaakov Bleich, together with practicing Hasidic practitioners in the United States, including Rabbi Chaim Meir Markowitz of the Viznitz Chassidut, Rabbi Moshe Margarten of the Squire Chassidut, Rabbi Ben Zion Wieder of the Belza Chassidut, Rabbi Shlomo Menashe Polkovich of Kiryat Yoel, Rabbi Shimon Rolnitsky From Monsey, and R. Asher Grad from London.

At the end of the meeting, it was decided that in the coming days a number of activists would go to the borders in Europe, where they would take a closer look at the needs of the Jews fleeing the gates of war, along with donations to those who help them.

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