The US says it supports “with an open mind” the UN’s efforts for a solution in the Sahara

by time news

The United States supports “with an open mind” the efforts of the new UN special envoy for Western Sahara, Steffan de Mistura, to find a solution that allows a “dignified life” for the population, assured this Monday the ‘number two ‘ from the State Department, Wendy Sherman.

“The United States and Spain both want a positive result for the people of Western Sahara,” he said in statements to the press during his visit to Madrid, precisely prior to his trip to Rabat and Algiers, where he is expected to address this dispute.

“We both want people to have decent lives and we support the efforts of the UN envoy for the Sahara, Staffan de Mistura, and we do so with an open mind,” Sherman pointed out, thus responding when asked about Washington’s position.

The Joe Biden Administration has not formally reversed the decision of his predecessor, Donald Trump, who in December 2020 recognized Western Sahara as Moroccan after Morocco decided to reestablish relations with Israel, but has not delved into that path either. and the promised consulate in Dakhla has not yet been opened.

Sherman has insisted that both the United States and Spain are “in contact with all the parties” and are doing everything possible to achieve that desired result, an agreement between the parties that allows the entire population of Western Sahara to “live in dignity”. .

bilateral relations

The undersecretary held two meetings during her visit to Madrid with the Minister for Foreign Affairs, the EU and Cooperation, José Manuel Albares, and with her Spanish counterpart, Ángeles Moreno, with whom she opened the first Spain-US seminar on cybersecurity.

One of the topics addressed in their meetings has been the next NATO summit that Madrid will host on June 29 and 30. “It is fantastic that Spain is hosting this critical summit and I cannot think of a better place for it to take place,” he underlined, assuring that Spain is “a strong ally” within the Atlantic Alliance.

In addition, he took the opportunity to reiterate his country’s gratitude for the Rota and Morón bases and also for having allowed their use last summer in the evacuation of Afghan collaborators from Kabul after the Taliban took power.

Likewise, he has welcomed the decision to send weapons to Ukraine, as well as humanitarian aid and welcome Ukrainian refugees by the Spanish Government, as well as the commitment it has with the eastern flank of NATO, with troops, planes and ships deployed.

“We continue to strengthen the bilateral relationship with the United States in all areas, from the defense of democracy to cybersecurity,” Albares wrote on Twitter. “The transatlantic unit allows us to face the challenges and challenges more solidly, she added.

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