Dead Shane Warne, the cricket legend found unconscious on the island of Kh Samui: “The last toast with Vegemite, he followed a liquid diet”

by time news

Shane Warne is dead. The Australian cricket legend has been found lifeless on the island of Kh Samui in Thailand, where he was on vacation. Warne was 52 years old and was the greatest bowling player in cricket, that is the action of throwing the ball towards the wicket (the double door ed) defended by the batsman. Local Thai authorities have confirmed that Warne died of natural causes, in this case it is believed, although it is not yet confirmed, that he died of a heart attack. The Australian government is transporting his body home where he will be offered a state funeral. Warne was an extraordinary figure whose fame transcended the sport and inspired generations of fans. The former athlete was found still alive in the Thai villa where he was staying with friends. However, attempts to revive him in the hospital were unsuccessful. Post mortem examination showed that the man died of a congenital disease, and that there was no Covid-19 infection.

The friend who dined with Warne a few hours before he died recalled that Shane hadn’t wanted to dine choosing from the excellent Thai dishes offered by local restaurants, but spreading some toast with Vegemite. Another sign of recognition with respect to the traditions of your country precisely because this spreadable cream with the Kraft brand is a typical Australian “dish”: a thick and dark brown cream deriving from brewer’s yeast left over from other processes, spices and vegetable additives. Of another opinion, compared to Warne’s death, it is his manager, James Erskine, who instead explained to some local TVs how the legendary Australian athlete had followed a liquid diet for two weeks before going on vacation. For this reason, Erskine insinuated, he complained of some recent chest pains: “He was on a weird diet that recently asked him to take only fluids for 14 days. Recently he has repeated it three or four times ”.

“Finding the words to adequately express our sadness is an impossible task for us, and looking to the future without Shane is inconceivable,” parents Keith and Brigitte said in an official statement. Warne played at a high level in Australian and British cricket teams from 1992 to 2007. Technical mastery in its leg-spin, a work of twisting the legs and turning the wrist that leads to a strange and sudden effect of the thrown ball, has supplanted the fast bowling technique that had established itself in the seventies and eighties revolutionizing this sport. Warne was not free from both sexual and doping-related scandals e to the world of bettingbut his popularity has remained untouched and undisputed making him a national hero.

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