‘Healthy who plays’, to learn healthy nutrition and lifestyles

by time news

The “Sano chi sa” project is renewed, the initiative promoted by the Lazio Region through the ASL and in collaboration with the Pfizer Foundation, to learn about proper nutrition and healthy lifestyles while having fun. The project is enriched with a new area, “Sano chi Gioca”, making available on the website all the information and educational materials produced to date and a multimedia area, to give maximum dissemination to ‘healthy’ messages. It gains a new area: online games and ‘print & play’ to play with friends or family. The site offers many activities and ideas for teachers in primary and lower secondary schools for active breaks at school.

“The promotion of a healthy and active lifestyle – declares the councilor for Health of the Lazio Region, Alessio D’Amato – is one of the priority objectives of the new regional prevention plan, approved with Dgr n. 970 of 21 December 2021. The Plan provides for targeted interventions aimed at younger people with the involvement of families and the school. The latter, in these two years of health emergency, has confirmed to be an important health defense, favoring the conscious adoption of prevention measures, such as washing hands, which, together with the vaccine, are our main weapon in the battle. against Covid-19. For over 5 years – continues the commissioner – ‘Healthy who knows’ has become the watchword of children, teenagers and students, who have enriched the project with their participation “.

“The new regional prevention plan – he underlines – intends to consolidate and expand the experience of the project by promoting, through all the ASLs of Lazio, the widespread dissemination of effective interventions and innovative and engaging tools aimed at encouraging the adoption of healthy choices, such as prefer healthy, zero-kilometer foods and travel on foot or by bicycle, which are often also the most sustainable choices as they are more respectful of the environment. “To the ‘Sano chi sa’ project – a note recalls – from 2016 to today, over 120 Institutes including Lazio have joined, involving thousands of primary and lower secondary school students with didactic activities and competitions.

On the website, which has been renewed and reorganized in content – the note details – students, teachers and parents can find, in addition to the games and activities of the new ‘Healthy who plays’ area, lots of information and insights on nutrition, physical activity, styles of healthy life and mass media. In the new multimedia area, videos and infographics are available, as well as downloadable resources such as the guide for students and the guide for teachers; School managers and teachers can also find information and ideas to promote physical activity in their school, through initiatives such as ‘Muovinsieme: a mile a day around school’.

Following a varied and balanced diet from a qualitative and quantitative point of view is a concrete way to promote personal and family well-being. In addition, exercising every day is a simple and effective way to keep stress at bay by organizing moments of physical activity or physical exercise during the day. Physical exercise, intended as a movement game, is particularly important for children and teenagers because it helps improve physical health conditions and to promote personal and family well-being. “Healthy who plays” is the name of the new area of ​​the website www.sanochisa.it which hosts online and downloadable games and activities (print & play) to be played with family or friends. Not only that: primary and secondary school teachers can in fact, find on the ‘Sano chi sa’ website cards with lots of games, activities and suggestions for active breaks, recommended by the WHO to make the hours that children spend at school increasingly oriented towards well-being and health. ‘ ‘with this in mind, it also provides stretching exercises for school operators to be performed at work as well.

“We are very proud of the ‘Sano chi sa’ project and of the important results it has achieved in recent years – declares Valentina Marino, president of the Pfizer Foundation – because it is a project that invests in young people, indeed in the very young, who represent the real engine of our society and who are very attentive and sensitive to issues of the environment, sustainability, health, sometimes even more than adults. Information on correct lifestyles, nutrition and prevention are essential to improve everyone’s health and we believe that Sano chi sa can make an important contribution in this sense ”, she concludes.

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