A new study has found structural changes in the brains of corona recoverers

by time news

In the brain regions of the recovered corona patients many structural changes are seen many months after infection and recovery, especially in the brain regions associated with the sense of smell and memory. Also, cognitive tests that those people underwent showed a rapid deterioration. This is according to a new, additional study, which deals with the connection between the corona virus, the disease and the brain damage that follows, which was published tonight (Monday) in Nature.

Another similar matter

Researchers at Oxford University, led by first author Gwenaëlle Douaud of the Integrative Neuroscopy Unit, noted: “The findings may reveal the detrimental effects of coronary heart disease and improve physicians’ ability to understand Or some of them are transient – topics that will require further research. “

“Although evidence suggests that the disease may have brain-related effects, most previous studies on the effect of the disease on the brain have focused on inpatients with severe disease and limited to imaging data only after infection, and effects on the brain in cases of mild disease remain unknown.” Mechanisms that contribute to brain diseases. “

The current study compared pre-disease and post-disease brain scans among 785 people, all in the UK, ranging in age from 51 to 81, who underwent two brain scans an average of 38 months apart between the first and second scans, as well as cognitive tests. Of these, 401 were infected with the virus between the two scans and 15 were hospitalized. The other 384 constituted a control group.

In the infected group, the average time between illness and the second review was 141 days. Imaging showed a reduction in the gray matter in areas related to the sense of smell and memory – including changes in the area of ​​the orbital frontal cortex (OFC). Tissue damage was seen as well as a reduction in the average size of the brain relative to the scans that those people had undergone in the past.

In addition, a greater cognitive decline was found between the two brain scans in corona patients compared with those who were not infected. Source of deterioration: thinning, atrophy, of cerebellum tissue associated with cognitive functions.

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