After the Rebbe’s cry: A delegation has set out for the borders of Ukraine

by time news

After the sermon delivered by the Maharajah Rebbe from Satmar last night on the debt that all American Jews have to save the Jews of Ukraine, a committee was set up to deal with everything related to the issue, Rebbe emissaries will quickly go to the Ukrainian borders and activate a rescue system.

On the orders of the Rebbe Mahara from Satmar, a committee was set up to save the Jews of Ukraine, headed by the Rebbe of Kasov, the Gaon Rabbi Yaakov Horowitz, the Rosh Yeshivat Beit Meir, the Gaon Rabbi Zalman Halberstam, the Avdak Chakawa. As early as tomorrow morning, four activists will leave New York for the borders of Moldova, Poland, Hungary, Romania.

In addition the whole issue of food near the borders will be examined, and also where to move the refugees after the first days outside the borders of Ukraine, according to the plan, activists will try to leave as many communities as possible elsewhere on European soil, and establish communities there within a few weeks. “Under the supervision of community rabbis who have rehabilitated communities throughout the United States

Even those who decide to immigrate to Israel, the committee has been working in recent hours with activist R. Shimon Shisha and other activists in the US to rent some hotels, where the refugees will stay for the first time, until they establish communities and institutions in the country.

Yesterday after the Rebbe’s sermon some Satmar’s followers came to the Rebbe’s house and instead transferred $ 5 million to set up the committee, and in the coming days there will be a big fundraising campaign to ensure that money is not the problem and prevention to save the Jews in Ukraine.

As reported in Behadrei Haredim, the Rebbe of Satmar referred yesterday in a speech to the plight of the Jews of Russia and Ukraine, saying: “Educating Jews, I saw there when I was there, people make an alliance in old age, I was a godfather there, it’s a miracle thing.”

“One should know that Jews are now fleeing from there, they are fleeing with the women and children,” said the Rebbe. Gentlemen, we American Jews we have to act, do not let men from 18 to 60 years old get out of there, it’s mind control that rejects Shabbat, every gentile walks around there with weapons he got from the authorities to fight with Russia, release all prisoners from prison to fight against Russians, people The goddesses are walking around on the street, Jews are afraid to walk on the street, in addition to all the missiles flying at them. “

“America must help them, if the Rebbe remembered his blessing alive, what would he do now? He would gather activists and start working to save the Jews, some Jews flee to Romania, Poland, and other countries, they must take care of everything, Klal Israel can not resist, And to hear news and do nothing. “

“We must not stand aside, they will ask us where we were, I am now in Monsey, but speaking to Klal Yisrael, Klal Yisrael must not stand aside, we must take responsibility, the name will help that we can do for our brothers in Ukraine, and not sound trouble and distress.” So is the Rebbe of Satmar.

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