In Newsstand on the Fatto Quotidiano of 9 March: Salvini makes the world laugh. And there is another Metropol case

by time news

The interview. Lucio Caracciolo

“Putin wants cities to be able to sit stronger at the table”

“The decisive turning point, that is, the Russian decision to fight for the cities, is perhaps upon us”. Lucio Caracciolo, director of Limes, the dean of international analysts, thinks Moscow is at a key step. And he also thinks that Vladimir Putin’s miscalculations are among the reasons for the war, an initial mistake […]


Lviv, refuge city of the Ukrainian resistance

Where civilians are welcomed and armed. Rifles and tears. Mediapart says: there is not only the flow of refugees. 140,000 men have already returned from abroad to fight. And they train right here

War in Ukraine

Zelensky opens up on Crimea and Donbass, the average China but is against sanctions

The truce does not hold. Bombs and diplomacy. The president thinks about the compromise on some regions. Beijing hears Scholz and Macron


Gas, the EU passes the ball to the states: no Eurobonds

Plan. Brussels opens to the taxation of extra-profits and the price cap of methane, but rejects the idea of ​​further debt to compensate for the crisis

“Stamped papers”

5S, appeal rejected: Conte frozen now relies on the vote

Another wall. No suspension, the president 5S remains in the balance: tomorrow online the new consultation of members to reconfirm it


Spinelli donates 40 thousand euros to the Toti Committee 5 days after the renewal at the port of Genoa

On 7 December, four companies headed by Aldo Spinelli – 82-year-old entrepreneur, commander, former president of Genoa and Livorno – donated 40 thousand euros to the Giovanni Toti Liguria Committee. Five days earlier, Spinelli had received the news he had been waiting for two years. Renewal of the concession for one of the most important terminals in […]

COVID-19. I study

Omicron, the 3rd dose lasts less. And the infections date back

In the New England Journal of Medicine a possible explanation of why the virus is recovering: the protection of the booster expires faster

The investigation

Metropol case, new deal: “Money to men of the League”

An attempted oil trade and the project of a “bribe” to be sent to the League to finance the 2019 European elections, through relations with men close to Russian President Vladimir Putin. Six people talk about it at the tables of the Metropol hotel in Moscow, three are Italian, one is close to party leader Matteo Salvini. […]

On the edge. Agenda

Draghi remains alone: ​​the Polish premier has other problems …

Morawiecki cancels the visit

Unique thought

Formigli invites Orsini and Di Cesare on La7: “Enough accusations”

“We are journalists, not generals”. With these words, the conductor of Piazzapulita Corrado Formigli announces that he has invited for tomorrow’s broadcast Donatella Di Cesare and Alessandro Orsini, the highly contested guests who last week dared to raise criticisms of US foreign policy (while obviously condemning the Russian invasion in Ukraine). Against Professor […]

No weapons in kiev

Petrocelli, the pro-Russian 5Stelle does not give up

The process”. Yesterday in the Senate the request for the resignation of the president of the foreign commission

Cerbo’s “network”

Scams for 1.5 million, ‘Scarface’ also strikes in Veneto

A network of fictitious companies that allegedly scammed over 60 companies in Northern Italy for 1.5 million euros. The investigation by the Gdf of Padua and the public prosecutor’s office of Rovigo widens, which enroll three other suspects on charges of criminal association aimed at fraud, and who would be part of the organization set up […]

Survey in Nocera (Sa)

“Pay reduced to workers who linger in the toilet”

Salary reduced if you stayed too long in the bathroom during a grueling shift, even 43 hours, you pay just 4.35 euros each. There is also this in the papers of the accusation against Attaniese spa, a canning industry of Nocera Superiore which ended up at the center of an investigation born in recent months after a seizure of 800 tons of […]


Vaccine in Scanzi, the investigating judge archives: “He did not want to skip the line”. Him: “Covered with m …: lawsuit”

No scams, no embezzlement, no embezzlement. Andrea Scanzi did not commit any crimes or, in fact, misrepresent or put pressure on doctors or health authorities when, on March 19, 2021, he received the first dose of the anti-Covid vaccine, even if “he was not entitled to” falling “into any of the categories indicated in […]

Angelo Giorgianni

Judge no vax suspended: Cassation confirms

The former judge of the Messina Court of Appeal remains suspended, Angelo Giorgianni, who during the ‘no green pass’ demonstration last October, from the stage in Piazza del Popolo in Rome, called for “a new Nuremberg” for politicians and the government . The disciplinary measure came after Minister Cartabia had sent the inspectors. Giorgianni had […]

Naples, Sgai consortium

Superbonus 110%, another 83 million seizure

New maxi-seizure of the provincial finance command of Naples by the Sgai construction consortium of Naples, which recently became the owner of the Pro Patria football team in Busto Arstizio, as part of an investigation into fictitious credits relating to the Superbonus 110%. There are 16 suspects for criminal association aimed at fraud, tax evasion and forgery. […]

“White lupara”

Messina, Ros solve the 1990 mafia murder: two arrests

In handcuffs for a crime committed 32 years ago. Domenico Abbate, 52, and Renzo Messina, 53, believed to be close to the mafia clan of Barcelona, ​​ended up in prison on the initiative of the Carabinieri del Ros and the Provincial Command of Messina, for the death of Sebastiano Rizzotti, 23 years old from Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto , which took place on April 8 […]

Here Paris

Macron sees the vote and “frees” the French

Normality. From Monday stop all containment measures, including indoor masks

The anticipation

In which land we will find ourselves after the Great Metamorphosis

The new book by Bruno Latour

Goldman Sachs

Moscow, methane as a weapon on GDP

The scenarios. Export cuts will hold back 2022 growth by between 0.5 and 2.6%

Storm on nickel worth $ 100,000 stops the stock market

The war in Ukraine continues to keep commodity markets in check, which have set new records including those of nickel and wheat due to the effects of sanctions on Russia and the risk of a reduction in supplies. The star of the day was nickel, whose phenomenal rise – the […]


Cadastre, reverse of B. Right united against Draghi

Majority still split

Fact checking. Lo scenario

With the reform, no new taxes until 2026. And the EU does not impose them on us

The knot. The delegation is a recommendation among the bases to the pnrr. new resources in the brick?

The first 1900 pages

From Moro to Ustica: the Senate decrees the acts on the massacres

You accidentally put together a senator and a former magistrate who are both stubborn to say the least. Result? After much resistance, the state secret on 1900 pages preserved in the Palazzo archives concerning the kidnapping of Moro, the ambush of Peteano and Gladio was removed. A first installment of 130,000 pages on the Spoon river of the […]


BoJo cheers for Kiev: Brexit keeps refugees away

Closed border

“Orphans and managers: so we take them away”

“Access to the humanitarian corridors is blocked, Russian troops are carrying out area bans preventing people from escaping”. The story of those who observe the Ukrainian territory in these hours returns the image of a trap in which civilians were stuck. About 2 million refugees are said to have managed to leave the country. For […]

Beyond Ukraine

It is not war: they are voyeur murders

Nothing epic, no ethics. What we see today no longer has anything essential or “vital”. Are there still “right” ones? Yes, all those of independence. And that of Kiev against Moscow is

The anniversary

Satiated by 100 years of kisses

Thus Perugina avoided bankruptcy. Chocolates with little thoughts

What music

Quarrels, lies and the risk of farewell: here is U2 according to The Edge

The biography of the guitarist and composer of the Irish group is out: from the complicated debut to the clashes with Bono on how to manage the artistic future

Book fair n. 34

“Wild hearts” in search of peace, but no censorship of Russia

Ernaux and Herzog are expected at the Turin Motor Show

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