High cholesterol, how to lower it quickly? 7 useful habits at the table

by time news

High cholesterol, how to lower it quickly? Here are the 7 habits at the table to quickly reduce “bad” gasses from the blood

We start talking about high cholesterol when the concentration of “bad” fats (LDL cholesterol) exceeds i 240 mg/dl. This disorder, common to millions of Italians over 50, significantly increases the risk of incurring serious diseases such as stroke e heart attack (HERE ARE THE SIGNS TO KEEP AN EYE FOR HEART HEALTH). It is estimated that around 38% of the population suffers from it. The high cholesterol it can be caused by several factors: improper diet, genetic predisposition and the intake of certain drugs such as the pill. Many therefore ask, “high cholesterol how to lower it fast? “Arterial health primarily depends on diet and good habits, such as eliminating smoking and practicing a minimum of daily exercise.

High cholesterol, how to lower it quickly? 7 habits to follow every day

The table is the first battleground in the war at high cholesterol. So here are some simple tips to follow daily to reduce it quickly:

  • Decrease the salt and increase the consumption of spices: salt is one of the worst enemies of blood pressure and consequently one of the factors that most negatively affect high cholesterol. To flavor foods it is therefore recommended to use other spices, which bring further benefits to the body, such as pepper, parsley, oregano, ginger and garlic.
  • Increase the fibers: foods rich in fiber such as vegetables, fruit and legumes to be taken every day promote not only circulation but also the work of the intestine. Not only that, they help you feel full and avoid counterproductive snacks when you want lose weight quickly
  • Avoid unsaturated fats and prefer healthy fats such as polyunsaturated ones (HERE ALL THE DETAILS ON HOW AND HOW MANY TO EAT)
  • Eat blue fish such as salmon and tuna rich in Omega 3 (HERE ALL THE OTHER FISH TO AVOID FOR THOSE WHO SUFFER FROM HIGH CHOLESTEROL)
  • Drink a glass of lemon juice a day

Before changing your diet, however, it is always advisable to contact a doctor or nutritionist for useful advice and a professional opinion on which is the best diet to follow based on the real needs of your body and to avoid running into further health problems. .

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