Mont’e Prama statues to celebrate fallen in battle – Entertainment

by time news

(ANSA) – CABRAS, 08 MAR – The mysterious sculptures of the Giants of Mont’e Prama, the first example of statuary in the western Mediterranean (between the ninth and eighth centuries BC), could represent “the Arlington” of the late period- nuragic to celebrate the heroes victims of battles not yet reconstructed. Massive statues erected on a funeral road, together with models of various types of nuraghi, to watch over and celebrate the eternal rest of the fallen. It is the hypothesis that is becoming more and more consistent thanks to the Bioarchaeology study conducted by the team of the University of Sassari, led by Professor Salvatore Rubino, presented in Cabras on the occasion of a two-day event dedicated to the Giants organized by the Mont’e Prama Foundation. (HANDLE).

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