Russia-Ukraine war, Labor at La7: “Sending weapons is a mistake, generals Bertolini and Mini explained it without hypocrisy and rhetoric”

by time news

Sending weapons to the Ukrainian army? Let it be a error they explained it generals Marco Bertolini and Fabio Miniwho had the frankness to speak beyond hypocrisy and rhetoric and without fear of passing for friends of Putin. Here it now looks like a derby: it seems that anyone who says something out of the chorus is a friend of Putin ”. These are the words of the director de Daily factMarco Travagliowhich, in the course of “Half past eight” (La7), he explains: “It has never happened that the law that prohibits the export of arms to non-allied countries was derogated. Even our friends somali they asked us for weapons to fight l’Isis and we did not send them. I am not against the sending of weapons, on the contrary I believe that it is legitimate in certain extreme cases to support the self-defense of the peoples, which certainly is the Ukrainian resistance against the Russian aggressor. But we need to see what happens from saying to doing “.

And he adds: “We discovered that to get weapons into Ukraine we have to use militias from contractorthat is of mercenaries, which in turn retain part of it. In the past we have seen our weapons used by militias who then started shooting at us. The latest sensational case is that of afghani, who when they resisted against the Russians were meritorious mujahideen. Then, when they began to resist our invasion, they became Taliban cutthroats ”.

Travaglio glosses: “We must also tell the truth to our Ukrainian friends who are resisting: we all hope that this war will end with their victory and that they manage to drive out the Russians, but we also know that the balance of power is disproportionate. We also know that the only hope to ensure that this war causes the lowest possible number of victims and costs also in territorial terms the lowest price to Ukraine’s sovereignty is that do not last long. I have the impression that sending weapons simply means extending an agony and get to peace negotiations, when there will be little left to negotiate ”.

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