Heart diet, what to eat to keep it healthy and strong

by time news

Heart diet, what to eat: here are all the foods to consume and quantities for the health of our most important muscle

A proper lifestyle is the best way to keep up heart healthy. Many of the problems that this organ faces arise from bad habits such as the lack of attention towards hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol and triglycerides or smoking. All of this increases the risk of serious illnesses such as heart attack, stroke and angina pectoris. The diet can significantly help to maintain the heart healthy especially if structured to provide the right amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates and does not include alcoholic beverages.

Heart diet, what to eat to prevent heart attack and other diseases

The experts of the Umberto Veronesi Foundation have compiled a list of tips to follow at the table for the health of the heart:

  • Reduce your consumption of salt (maximum 3-5 grams per day) and substances such as sodium glutamate (present in the food nut), sodium benzoate (sauces and dressings), sodium citrate (sweets, jellies and drinks)
  • Reduce the consumption of bread and baked goods (biscuits, crackers, snacks, brioches and cereals) which are a source of salt
  • Avoid products in salt or oil, pre-cooked or prepackaged e sauces like mayonnaise
  • Eliminate or minimize the sugary, alcoholic and super-alcoholic beverages
  • Prefer simple toppings such as tomato or vegetable sauce for the pasta and vegetable broth for the risotto
  • Prefer the steaming, grillingat the Grill o al foil for meat and fish. For vegetables we recommend cooking a boiled, steamed and al oven. Eliminate the fries
  • If undergoing a anticoagulant therapy your doctor may advise you to be careful with foods rich in vitamin K which could counteract the action of drugs (broccoli, cabbage, cabbage, sauerkraut, cauliflower, lettuce, salads, Brussels sprouts, soy, mayonnaise, bovine liver, green tea, lentils, spinach, parsley)

Before changing your diet it is always advisable to contact a doctor, cardiologist or nutritionist for advice on what is the best diet based on the real needs of your body.

Heart diet, what to eat: the frequency of certain foods

It is not just a question of looking after the quality of the food but also its quantity. Experts therefore recommend:

  • Reduce sausages and processed meats (mortadella, salami, sausages, frankfurters, hams, bresaola …) no more than once a week
  • Give preference to White meat (chicken, turkey, rabbit) and limit the red ones to 1-2 portions of 100g per week
  • Increase your consumption of fish 3-4 times a week preferring the blue fishwhich has high concentrations of Omega3 fatty acids
  • Eggs maximum 4 times a week (including those found in prepared foods)
  • I’d rather vegetable fats (olive oil) avoiding animal ones (butter, lard, lard, cream)
  • Prefer skimmed milk and yogurt or partially skimmed

Proper nutrition is then associated with light physical activity such as at least half an hour a day of walking at a modern pace and eliminating smoking.

Read also:

Heart, preventing heart attack: 3 symptoms to watch out for

High cholesterol, how to lower it quickly? 7 useful habits at the table

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