Social housing | QS wants 10,000 units per year over five years

by time news

(Montréal) Québec solidaire (QS) calls on the government of Quebec to build 10,000 new social housing units per year for five years to meet the needs of families confined to waiting lists, of which it estimates the number at 38 000.

The deputy for Laurier-Dorion, Andrés Fontecilla, also urges the Minister of Housing, Andrée Laforest, to quickly set up a rent register in order to control the rise in rent prices on the market, which he said. observed, has worsened since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Andrés Fontecilla deplores that the problem of the lack of social housing has been shoveled forward for decades by all governments, in Quebec and Ottawa. He says the rental housing that is being built is costing middle-class families far too much.

MP Fontecilla, who is responsible for Québec solidaire in housing, calls on the CAQ government to make the construction of social housing its number one priority over the next year to increase the supply of affordable housing on the market. rental, otherwise the situation will be worse next year.

During a tour of the South Shore of Montreal that he has just completed, the member said he noted the glaring need for social housing to house families.

Already, by publishing a survey on the price of rental housing for the second time on Tuesday, the Regroupement des committees logement et associations de tenantes du Québec (RCLALQ) had also promoted the establishment of a public rent register. . The organization explained that it would allow tenants to know exactly the old rent paid when currently, even if this information must be entered in the lease, tenants have no way of confirming its veracity.

The RCLALQ survey concluded that rental housing prices have jumped since last year in all regions of Quebec.

Last month, faced with the increasing number of cases of the phenomenon of “renovations”, the member for Rosemont for Quebec solidaire, Vincent Marissal, asked the Legault government to ban this practice or at least to issue a moratorium. He deplored the practice according to which an accounting and legal maneuver allowed someone to buy a residential building and then evict all its tenants and renovate, often cosmetically, before renting afterwards at twice the price.

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