Camera, Mario Draghi answers the question time on the war in Ukraine, the effect of sanctions and the PNRR: follow the live

by time news

The question time with the premier was live from the Chamber Mario Draghi. The President of the Council replied to questions on solidarity initiatives and the management of hospitality in relation to the humanitarian crisis following the conflict in Ukraine, on initiatives to guarantee access to essential services for Ukrainian refugees present on the national territory, on initiatives for a updating of the objectives set out in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan and for the extension of the suspension of the Stability and Growth Pact, in view of the effects of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict; on initiatives aimed at securing energy supplies in the perspective of an organic and differentiated energy policy, which also takes into account the so-called “clean nuclear“, On initiatives in relation to the increase in the cost of energy and agri-food products, as well as for a strategy that structurally ensures the supply of raw materials, on initiatives, including at European level, to accelerate the implementation of the the so-called European Green Deal and the objective of replacing fossil sources with renewable ones, on support measures for families and businesses in relation to the economic consequences deriving from the sanctions applied to the Russian Federation, on initiatives, including at European level, to support families and companies in relation to the effects deriving from the conflict in Ukraine and from the sanctions imposed on the Russian Federation, consequences on the taxation of real estate and on the definition of ISEE values ​​deriving from the project to reform the land registry of buildings

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