Covid Italy, “slower decline in hospitalizations, slight increases in infections”

by time news

Covid situation in Italy, “the number of hospitalized patients is decreasing, albeit at a slower rate than a week ago. A great deal of caution is still needed because the pandemic is not over and the virus continues to circulate, proof of this is number of infections still high and slightly rising“Thus the president of the Italian Federation of Health and Hospital Trusts (Fiaso), Giovanni Migliore, commenting on the weekly data of the Federation’s sentinel hospitals.

According to what emerges from the survey of 8 March, hospitalizations for Covid-19 still drop by 16.2% in a week, while in intensive care the reduction is equal to 23.8%. The hospitalization curve, which began to decline from 1 February – details Fiaso – had registered on 1 March the sharpest decline of the fourth wave equal to 21.6%.

In hospitals in the North, the decline in hospitalizations in the last week was 15% while in the South and in the islands the curve has bent by 19%. In the facilities of the Center, patients were reduced by 14%. And again – underlines Fiaso – for the first time in the ordinary wards the number of patients hospitalized ‘for’ Covid and that of hospitalized ‘with’ Covid is the same: 50% of the beds in Covid areas are occupied by patients with respiratory syndromes and lungs typical of Covid and for the other 50% are occupied by patients who have arrived in hospital to treat other pathologies and positive results for the pre-admission swab.

There is still a significant difference in the vaccination status between those hospitalized ‘for’ Covid and ‘with’ Covid in ordinary wards: patients ‘with’ Covid not vaccinated are only 20% while patients ‘for’ Covid no vax are almost double , equal to 37%. Among the vaccinated subjects hospitalized ‘for’ Covid, moreover, half have been vaccinated for over 4 months and therefore have not received the booster of the third dose.

PEDIATRIC ADMISSIONS DOWN – The hospitalizations of patients ‘under 18’ monitored in the 4 pediatric hospitals and in the pediatric wards of the sentinel hospitals that adhere to the Fiaso network also decrease: hospitalizations have been reduced by 15% in a week, highlights the report of the ASL and hospitals Federation .

59% of hospitalized patients are between 0 and 4 years old, 18% between 5 and 11 years, 23% between 12 and 18 years. In particular, newborns, from 0 to 6 months, make up 36% of the total. The number of cases of small patients hospitalized with both parents not vaccinated is 37%.

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