This is the astronomical amount your taxes have brought into the country

by time news

In February 2022, the state’s tax revenues amounted to NIS 34.8 billion. In calculating the revenues from January and February together – the increase amounts to NIS 20 billion

The Tax Authority’s revenues in February 2022 amounted to NIS 34.1 billion, compared with NIS 26.8 billion in the corresponding period last year. At uniform tax rates, the revenues of the Tax Authority increased by 19%. Direct taxes increased by 25% and indirect taxes increased by about 10% compared to February 2021.

Direct tax revenues in February 2022 amounted to NIS 21.3 billion, compared with NIS 16.3 billion in February 2021. At uniform rates, direct tax collection in February 2022 increased by 25%.

Income tax from the self-employed and companies (gross) – In February 2022, the collection in this section amounted to NIS 9.5 billion, compared with NIS 6.4 billion in February 2021. At uniform tax rates, this is an increase of about 44%. Collection from the self-employed (including shareholders in companies) increased by 40% and collection from companies increased by 45%. The sharp increase in corporate collection is due in part to payments in large amounts at the expense of previous years as a result of tax differentials, an increase in advances and the payment of taxes on imprisoned profits.

Deductions (deductions from income tax from renters and deductions at other sources, including from the capital market) – Collection of deductions in February 2022 amounted to NIS 10.8 billion, compared with NIS 9.7 billion in February 2021, an increase of 8%. January-February 2022 saw a 17% increase.

Capital market – In February 2022, a gross collection of about NIS 0.7 billion was recorded, compared with 0.8 for February 2021, a decrease of 18%. The decrease is explained by a particularly high collection in February 2021. However, the collection in February 2022 is significantly higher than the average in a normal month .

Real estate taxation – Net income from real estate taxation amounted to NIS 2.1 billion in February 2022, an increase of 69% compared to February 2021. In the case of praise tax, there was an increase of 127% and in the case of purchase tax, there was an increase of 39%. In relation to the increase in the last months of 2021 and the increase in January 2022.

Refunds – In February 2022, income tax refunds and deductions amounted to NIS 1.6 billion, compared with NIS 1.9 billion in February 2021, a decrease of 15%. In total, in January-February 2022, repayments decreased by about 4% compared to the corresponding period last year.

In February 2022, indirect tax revenues amounted to NIS 12.8 billion, compared with NIS 10.5 billion in the corresponding period last year. At uniform tax rates, indirect tax revenues increased by 10%. Cumulatively in January-February 2022, revenues increased by 13% compared to January-February 2021.

Value Added Tax – Total net VAT revenue in February 2022 reached NIS 9.2 billion, compared to NIS 7.8 billion in February 2021. At uniform tax rates, excluding vehicle introductions, this is an increase of about 21%. Low collection level in February 2021. Due to the corona crisis, compared to February 2020, the pre-crisis period, this is an increase at an annual rate of 10%.

Import Purchase Tax – Revenues from Purchase Tax in February 2022 amounted to approximately NIS 1.7 billion, a real decrease, in uniform tax rates, of 14% compared to February 2021. The decrease is largely explained by relatively moderate imports of vehicles in February 2022 due to the December introduction. 2021. This introduction was small-scale and therefore not neutralized at uniform prices. This is in contrast to the significant volume introduction in December 2020, which was neutralized in the February 2021 data.

Excise tax – Excise income in February 2022 amounted to NIS 1.7 billion, compared with NIS 1.4 billion in the corresponding period last year. An increase of 19% due mainly to traffic restrictions and a reduction in activity in January 2021. Compared to February 2020, pre-Corona crisis, there is no change in excise revenues in February 2022.

Revenue from government ministry fees – Since the beginning of the year, fee income has amounted to NIS 1.4 billion.

In January-February 2022, revenues amounted to NIS 82.2 billion, compared with NIS 61.4 billion in the corresponding period last year.

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