America warns that Russia may use biological and Chemical weapons against Ukraine | Russia could use biological weapons against Russia: US warns

by time news

The U.S. administration, led by Joe Biden, warned on Wednesday that Russia could use chemical or biological weapons against Ukraine. The White House has denied Russia’s allegations that it is developing illegal chemical weapons in Ukraine.

This week, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova accused Ukraine of running chemical and biological weapons laboratories in its territory. In response, US White House spokesman Jen Psi said Russia’s claim was “absurd” and that Russia was laying the groundwork for its use of weapons of mass destruction against Ukraine.

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“This is Ukraine. It is Russia’s open maneuver to try to justify its further planned, unjustified attack,” Psaki tweeted on Wednesday. He warned that the United States should pay close attention to Russia’s actions, warning that it was using weapons or planning to use them.

Earlier, the United States announced restrictions on the import of oil and gas products from Russia. US President Joe Biden has announced a ban on all oil, gas and petrol imports from Russia.

However, he said that this would lead to higher oil prices in the United States. The chancellor said it would impose the toughest sanctions in world history. This will cause huge losses to the Russian economy.

Read more | Ukrainian President Zhelensky took refuge in Poland; Russia sensational information

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