Apple recently announced a new generation of the iPad mini, which features the faster A17 Pro chip inside with support for Apple Intelligence. There are exclusive wallpapers available for these iPads, but you can download them for any device here.
Download the iPad mini wallpapers
Instead of abstract images, Apple this time has created wallpapers with the word “mini” as if it had been artistically handwritten. There are four different versions of the new wallpapers based on the four colors of the iPad mini: space gray, blue, purple, and starlight.
As expected, each new wallpaper is available in both light and dark versions. It’s worth noting that the iPad mini 7 reuses the same wallpapers created for the iPad mini 6.
You can download the iPad mini wallpapers in their full resolution below. Be sure to click through and save the full resolution wallpaper, then set it via the Photos app or Settings app on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.
Do you like the new iPad mini wallpapers? Let us know in the comments section below.