The war in Ukraine over the past two weeks … the path that has been traversed

by time news

The United States has banned the import of crude oil and gas from Russia.

It is 2 weeks since Russia launched its war on Ukraine. Let’s look in detail at the path that the Ukrainian war has traversed so far …


Russia recognizes separatist-held Luhansk Donuts in eastern Ukraine as independent. This put an end to the hope that a peaceful solution would be found after Russia had been concentrating its forces on the Ukrainian border for weeks.

February – 22

International law prohibits the invasion of one country by another. But Putin announced that the Russian military was going there for peacekeeping missions in the name of the call for Luhans donuts, which are recognized as separate nations.

Understanding Russia’s move in anticipation of the war, the United States imposed severe sanctions on Russia.


Further sanctions were imposed on Russia. Following the United States, the European Union imposed sanctions.


Russia launches war on Ukraine Russian troops stormed the Luhansk Chernikiv Kharkiv region from eastern Ukraine.

The navy infiltrated the port cities of Odessa and Mariupol. This was followed by a barrage of missile strikes on the Ukrainian capital, Kiev. Military positions were targeted and destroyed.

February 25

Russia has used its veto power to defeat a Security Council resolution calling for the withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine.

The Ukrainian people began to flee the country as the war culminated.


One lakh people who left Ukraine tried to stay in neighboring Poland. The United States plans to expel Ukrainian President Zhelensky from the country. But he did not accept it.


Russian forces advanced towards the Ukrainian capital, Kiev, Kharkiv and Kherson, and suffered heavy casualties. The Ukrainian military says about 4,500 Russian soldiers have been killed.

Ukraine says it has destroyed 150 Russian artillery pieces, 700 armored vehicles and seven fighter jets.


Negotiations between Russia and Ukraine for the first time. No agreement was reached during the talks in neighboring Belarus. At the same time, 11 civilians were killed in a Russian attack on the city of Kharkiv.


Six people were killed when Russian forces attacked Independence Square in central Kharkiv. Addressing a joint sitting of the US House of Representatives, President Joe Biden refused to comply with a request by Ukrainian President Gelensky to ban flights to Ukraine. He said that if the United States announced such a move, it would be like a direct confrontation with Russia.


UN condemns Russia The resolution was passed in the General Assembly. Of the 193 member states, 143 voted in favor of the resolution. India, China and the United Arab Emirates boycotted the vote.


Russian forces occupy the Black Sea port city of Gershon in southern Ukraine.


Russian forces fired rocket-propelled grenades at the largest European city, Saforsia. The number of refugees fleeing Ukraine at that time exceeded 10 million.

Russia and Ukraine have agreed to provide security for civilians to leave the country in the absence of an agreement.


Russia has vowed to allow civilians to leave the city of Mariupol on a humanitarian route. But it did not last. Civilian evacuations were halted as he resumed his attack that evening.


Ukrainian President Zhelensky spoke by phone with US President Biden, demanding further sanctions on Russia following the escalation of the war. Visa and MasterCard stopped doing business with Russia. Putin warned that any country banning Russian planes from flying over Ukraine would be tantamount to participating in the war.


Two weeks after the start of the war, there were fears that the escalation of the war would reach its next stage. Prime Minister Modi, who had already spoken to Putin twice on the phone, held talks for the third time. Indian students were then urged to return safely. Modi also spoke to the President of Ukraine.


The ceasefire was maintained from morning till night in the city of Sumi in Ukraine to provide security. About 700 Indian students fled Ukraine by bus following Russia’s move. The United States has banned the import of crude oil and gas from Russia.

March 9

Russia and Ukraine have announced a one-day ceasefire in areas where civilians have been allowed to leave. For the past two weeks, Ukraine and Russia have been at war with each other.

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