“Shame and Disgrace of a Post”: Asi Ezer gets into trouble again

by time news

Presenter Asi Ezer again makes unfavorable headlines, after the Yehuda Nahari affair, Asi Ezer gets into trouble again, this time with nurses by profession. Ezer and Albert shared a video on social media in which they seek to find a night nurse, who will take care of their baby daughter at night, who is expected to be born soon. However, in the video they shared, Ezer expressed bewilderment at the unfounded amount they claim that night nurses demand, NIS 100 per hour, when they do not have to do anything “other than be” that is how Ezer presented their role. According to insiders, more disparaging remarks were allegedly made towards the nurses by Albert censored from the video.

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But the followers did not move on to the agenda, especially not the nurses in the profession who follow the two on social media, who came out in poignant posts and in protest against Ezer and Oscola and demanded an apology. Among the harsh reactions were many who also criticized the parents on the way who did not plan to get up for their child themselves and it was written: “A nurse studied for four years, with even more equal experience, if you do not feel like it then sit down and take care of yourself.” “A nurse who tore her ass for a few years should not take less, be ashamed” or “Take a million for an advertisement, but pay a nurse who studied for four years, tore her ass and worked hard? Shame on you both ‘and many more poignant responses from nurses who were outraged at the parents’ disparaging post along the way.

The reactions received by Asi Ezer and Albert (Photo: Instagram screenshot)

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