Fiverr is expanding its employer branding campaign for billboards

by time news

Photo: Courtesy of Faber

As part of the move, last month hundreds of company employees We have simultaneously updated their job description on the LinkedIn network, in a viral exit that has become the “talk of the day” on this professional social network. Sharon Steiner, for example, the company’s vice president of human resources, updated her followers who were promoted to the position of “someone who sometimes admits she doesn’t know, and vice president of human resources.” The move is heightened by sponsored ads.

Now The company is up and running in an outdoor campaign that will appear in hundreds of centers throughout Tel Aviv: bus stops, train stations, office buildings in high-tech areas, Azrieli screen, Beit Gabay wall (Ayalon between Hashalom and La Guardia) Mozes wall (Ayalon southbound), Beit Alfa and a building Fiverr Itself, located on Kaplan Street.

The idea behind the campaign is to emphasize the human factor that makes the unique organizational culture in the company what it is, under the concept – We’re looking for great people, who are also great at their jobs.

– To this end, the company chose to use the format of the famous job ads on LinkedIn and offer through them open jobs in a creative and humorous way, for example:“Someone who avoids meetings to really work, who is also the head of a software development team” (Someone Who skips meetings to do actual work, who’s also a Software Development Team Leader)

– Senior in “Saying What Everyone Thinks and Not Saying” who is also a product manager (Head of “Saying What Everyone Else is Thinking”, who’s also a product manager);

– “Someone who does not like corporate politics, who is also a data analyst.”

The Creative Team of Fiverr Conceived the idea for the campaign and the work on it was carried out by the marketing teams and in collaboration with the human resources department, the recruitment teams and the organizational communication.

Gali Arnon, VP of Marketing at Fiverr She said: “Job ads usually use an archaic and formal text, which does not really reflect to the candidates the nature of the company and theDNA its. In this campaign we wanted to reflect on our unique corporate culture, what it’s really like to work on Fiverr, And what values ​​we bring with us as an organization. We feel that the discourse around the high-tech industry has revolved a lot lately around the variety of ice cream flavors and the culture of indulgence “in the high-tech”, in this campaign we tried to create a different discourse that highlights the real reasons people work for us, and the positive and exciting aspects of working in a breakthrough Fiverr.”

Fiverr It is a company that allows its employees space to develop a meaningful career while realizing a great and meaningful vision: to change the way the world works together.

The company is traded on the New York Stock Exchange, its offices are located in the center of Tel Aviv next to the Hashalom train station and its employees are employed in a hybrid work model. In addition to working with the most advanced technologies and with marketing, data, and design teams, one of the leading in the country, Fiverr As a company it does good to humanity and makes a real and significant contribution to its customers. Why invest in employer branding? The Israeli high-tech field is at its peak, with 72 IPOs in the past year and a volume of open jobs that stands at about 13,000 in technological positions, and many thousands more in marketing, data, product, design, human resources, and more positions. Therefore, the competition between the companies for the recruitment of the highest quality employees is greater than ever. This is the company’s first employer branding campaign, which has established a trading arena for digital talent and services, and is experiencing global expansion and accelerated growth. The goals of the campaign are to raise awareness for Fiverr Among potential employees as well as support in recruiting targets for about 100 new employees.

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