1300 km away .. Ukrainian boy who went alone .. Officers who shook the letter in the bag ..!

by time news

An 11-year-old Ukrainian boy from the southeastern Ukrainian city of Zaporozhye has been rocked by the incident of walking alone to its western neighbor Slovakia. Russia is waging war on Ukraine for the 14th day today. The Russian military is advancing, targeting Ukraine’s major cities, airports and ports. The government says about 400 Ukrainians have died as a result. In addition, about 1.5 million people are fleeing Ukraine and seeking refuge in neighboring countries. In this case, an 11-year-old boy left his parents and walked 1400 km alone without a companion to neighboring Slovakia.

According to the Ukrainian Ministry of Interior, “The boy’s mother and father had to stay in Ukraine, so he has just started the 1400 km long journey. Now he is safe. He has crossed this distance as a result of his sincere smile and heroic determination. ” His parents, who urged the boy to walk alone and somehow reach Slovakia, mentioned in a letter his details, his passport and the address of the relatives who would pick him up. It seems that the parents had mentioned in the letter that their son should be included in the appropriate place. The boy also traveled 1400 km holding a letter from his mother.

In the meantime, Slovakia said the boy had arrived safely. According to a statement issued by the Slovak Ministry, a boy arrived in Slovakia with a plastic bag, passport, letter and phone number written on it. He was able to locate the relatives who had taken the boy away through the number he had and the letter sent by his mother. ” The boy who escaped from Ukraine after traveling about 1400 km without fear is being talked about virally around the world.

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